Most Effective Natural Treatment For Psoriasis | Psoriasis Free For Life

    If you are referring to topical steriod creams and ointments, they only work temporarily. Eventually the psoriasis conditions come back again, because the source of the problem is inside your body. The immune system as you stated.

    I am a psoriasis sufferer for the last twenty-one years. I am happy there are effective solutions that are available now that weren’t available over the years. Solutions that could provide medium-term relief.

    There are two routes you can take: the pharmaceutical route or the natural alternative route.

    For the pharmaceutical route, you could talk to your dermatologist about a weekly self-injected drug called Enbrel (manufactured by Amgen and Wyeth). I am currently on this medication right now and gives me medium-term relief and works fairly quickly. My body is about 60% covered with guttate psoriasis before treatment. Once I started treatment and stay on it, Enbrel lowered my psoriasis coverage to about 10% within two month period. Of course, results will vary for each patient.

    Of course, like any pharmaceutical medications, there are side effects. “Enbrel can cause serious side effects including: Infections, including serious infections like TB; hepatitis B can become active if you already have had it; nervous system problems, such as multiple sclerosis, seizures, or inflammation of the nerves of the eyes; blood problems (some fatal); new or worsening heart failure; new or worsening psoriasis; allergic reactions; autoimmune reactions, including a lupus-like syndrome and autoimmune hepatitis. Common side effects include: Injection site reactions, upper respiratory infections (sinus infections), and headache.”

    Before the dermatologist could prescribe Enbrel to you, he will instruct you to get a tuberculosis test as well as a blood test to see if Enbrel is right for you. And you would need to take these tests about two to three times a year or as directed by the dermatologist.

    Lately I have been researching into natural and alternative psoriasis remedies. This would be the safe route to take to avoid the possible side effects of taking pharmaceutical drugs. Please keep in mind that there is no exact cure for psoriasis. Dermatologists will tell you that. What remedy works for one sufferer might not work for another sufferer.

    I am looking at a few books and articles about natural and alternative remedies. I came across a great article on how this woman was able to beat psoriasis:

    Good luck!!