Herbal Remedies For Heartburn – How To Treat Heartburn Naturally …

HeartburnAre you suffering from heartburn and is it preventing you from enjoying your life? Heartburn, or acid reflux disease, can be very annoying. An excess of acid production in the stomach, caused due to a wrong diet and excess intake of acidic foods, can lead to this condition. It makes you feel miserable throughout the day.

However, fret not, there are some excellent herbs which can give you good relief from this condition. Here are some herbs which can soothe your stomach, and heal the harm done by the excessive acid to the digestive system.

Best Herbal Remedies For Heartburn

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow is a totally safe herb that has a slimy and soothing quality. It coats the stomach lining and acts a barrier preventing stomach acid from harming it. It also helps heal the damage caused to your stomach by the excessive acid. You can take a capsule of it, else have make a concoction of it. Capsules are readily available in the herbal stores. The concoction can be prepared by soaking the marshmallow root in a bowl of water overnight. Have it in the morning. This helps soothe the stomach immediately.


Turmeric is known for its healing properties. Its daily consumption in any form, be it with a glass of milk or in the food, is very beneficial to our body in general as it helps stimulate digestion and prevents acid formation.


It also helps heal the stomach lining. However, use it in moderation in order to avoid stomach distress. You can also consume it in capsule form.

Chewable Licorice

This herb helps decrease the inflammation in your stomach and soothes the ulcers. It also protects the stomach lining. It is also known for helping your stomach in digestion and allowing the nutrients to get absorbed easily. Chew two tablets when you feel uneasiness and a heartburn coming on.


Have ginger as raw slices or consume as ginger tea. This will give you a lot of relief from heartburn as ginger is one of the oldest known remedies for this condition. It helps treat nausea, a condition that excess stomach acid produces.

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Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera is known as the wonder plant. It has many beneficial properties and is known to have been used to soothe an irritated aesophagus since ages.

Aloe Vera Juice

Consume Aloe Vera juice every morning, and see how it works wonders. Aloe Vera juice, specifically prepared for internal use, is available in most health stores. Get some from a health store and have it in early mornings on an empty stomach.


Chamomile is beneficial in soothing the lining of the stomach. It may reduce the activity of pepsin in the gastrointestinal tract, creating a protective effect against stomach acid. Pour a cup of boiling water over some dried chamomile herb. Let it stand for a while and then strain. Have this chamomile tea four times a day.

Herbs are an excellent way to control that heartburn. Go for them! They provide relief from heartburn and help heal the damaged tissue. Of course, if it becomes a chronic condition you do need to consult with your doctor.

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