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Ayurvedic treatment for Kidney Stone/ Renal Stone/ Urolithiasis:


Renal stone, Kidney stone, Renal calculi, Calculus, Urolithiasis, Mutrashmari (Ayurvedic terminology)


A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excess of stone-forming substances in the urine. Dietary and hereditary factors are also related to stone formation.


Patho-physiology of the formation of renal stone:
According to the Sushruta (School of Ayurvedic surgery), aggravated ‘Vata’ enters into the ‘Mutravaha srotas’ (Urinary system) and dries out excess ‘Kapha’ and ‘Pitta’ situated there. This results in the formation of ‘Mutrashmari’ (Renal stone/ Renal calculi). When aggraved ‘Vata’ splits this stone in minute fractions, it is called ‘Sharkara’ (Crystals).


According to Charaka(School of Ayurvedic medicine) there may be sudden colic type of pain in the flanks/abdomen and genital organs. Severe perspiration and vomiting may be present. Low grade fever is rarely present if there is secondary infection. When the ‘Ashmari’ (Stone) looks like the flower of Kadamb tree, stony, smooth or hard comes in the urinary passage, it obstructs the flow of urine and thus causes pain in the bladder. Urine is passed in divided streams and with pain in the perineal region, penis and sometimes passes urine and stool. In some patients, there is pain in flank with burning micturition and blood in the urine, if the ‘Ashmari’ (Stone/Calculi) causes ulcer in the urinary tract.


Specific features:
Vataja Ashmari: The pain is excruciating. This develops when the stone moves from one place to other. Otherwise pain is absent. During the acute attack, the patient is restless and may pass urine frequently drip by drip which is blackish and may also contain blood.
Pittaja Ashmari: This causing burning sensation in bladder and the colour of urine is yellowish red.
Kaphaja Ashmari: This also causes pain but it is not so severe as in vataja type. The colour of urine is whitish.  Patient is feeling of heaviness in the flank or bladder region. Sometimes he also may feeling of stiffness in the same region.
Mutra Sharkara: There are very tiny fragments of Ashmari and mostly these are passed out from the urine easily. It can cause irritation in the urinary tract. If it obstructs the passage then it may cause dysuria.






The patient who has multiple renal stones and has swelling around umbilicus as well as in scrotum and has urinary retention with severe pain will die in short time.


Ayurvedic treatment for Urolithiasis:
Mainly the treatment of Kidney stone is of two types.
1) Surgical treatment:
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As per Ayurveda, ‘Shastra-Chikitsa’ (Surgical Treatment) is carried out only for the diseases, which cannot be cured by medicines and only surgery remain the last option to save the patient’s life span and it should be done only after obtaining consent of the well wishers of the patient.
If the stone is too big (greater than 11 mm) and of course if it is obstructed urine flow then it should be removed by surgical treatment.
2) Medical /Conservative treatment:
Snehana (Internal or External oleation), swedana(Fomentation) mainly Avgaha sweda (Sitz bath), Vamana (Medicated emesis), Virechana (Purgation) and Basti (Medicated enema)- these are the Ayurvedic purification procedures should be carried out for breaking the kidney stones and there elimination.
Herbs of choices are Dashmoola kwath,  Punarnava kwath, Pashanbheda kwath, Gokshura kwath and Trina panchmoola kwath. Patient should be advised to take water boiled with barley. (Take around 50 gms. Of barley and crush it roughly, then mix it in around a litre of water and then boiled it for sometimes then filter the water and use it for drinking whole time). Patient should advise to take sitz bath of warm water in a bath tub as it is reducing the pain of renal stone immediately.  Patient should drink at least one and half litre of water every day. Barley water, tender coconut water is more useful to flush out the kidney and Ureter. Consuming Kullitha, Green gram, Old rice and wheat, Yavakshara, Juice of Kushmanda and Vegetables prepared from the leaves of ‘Varuna’ and ‘Punarnava’ are very useful. One should follow the Ayurvedic life-style (given on the homepage of this website) in daily routine.
Patient of Kidney stone should avoid consumption of all dairy products especially hard cheese, curd and sweets made of condensed milk; eating vegetables containing more minerals, getting exposed to heating, working in dry places, over exertion, drinking of heavy water and withholding physical urges particularly of urine, stool and semen.


Some of the famous Ayurvedic formulations for Kidney stone/ Urolithiasis:
Some of the famous Ayurvedic formulations for crushing the kidney stone and eliminating it are given below. Even these herbal Ayurvedic formulations have power to stop its recurrence.


  • Kwath (Decoctions): Varunadi kwath, Ashmarihar kwath, Punarnavashtak kwath, Gokshuradi kwath, Trina panchmoola kwath.
  • Vati(Tablets): Chandraprabha vati, Gokshuradi guggulu, Punarnavadi guggulu, Cap. Renolith (Pink health pharma), Tab. Neeri (AIMIL pharma), Tab. Calcury (Charak pharma)
  • Churna (Powders): Yavkshara, Shweta parpati
  • Medicated Grita: Pashanbheda grita, Varuna grita
  • Medicated Wine: Punarnavasava, Chandanasava

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Jun 3rd, 2013

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