Using Wart Remover on Skin Tags – Moles Warts Away

can wart remover remove a skin tagPeople that acquire skin tags and will want something to get rid of them using perhaps wart remover on them. Yet many of them do not know the difference between warts, moles and tags. Tags are actually a small outgrowth that protrudes on the skin. It can be painless and you can move it a bit. The tags can have similar color as your skin or sometimes they can be darker. The skin blemish is benign so they rarely are dangerous; however, they can look a bit different especially when growing on the face or become irritated when it is rubbed with fabric.


Click here to download a guide that explains home remedies for getting rid of skin tags

A home treatment that you can try it is to use wart remover on skin tags. Nevertheless, you need to have them checked by a doctor to know what procedures or options are right for you. You can choose to have a dermatologist incise the outgrowth off your skin. Or you may choose home remedies which are a lot cheaper and painless. But if you opt to go to a cosmetic doctor, this will probably cost more. Be prepared to fork over some money as these types of procedures are not covered by medical insurance.

There can be a lot of remedies you can use for a successful removal of skin tags. If you decide to have a professional treatment, you may want to consider the following options. Remember, it is important to consult your doctor before such treatments are done. They will know the best procedures for you. So consider any of these options:

1)     Cauterization

If you have a small skin tag, this can be removed with home treatments. Larger size tags may need cauterization to get rid of the outgrowth. Only a professional doctor can do this treatment. He may inject anesthetic into the skin to reduce pain. Then he will apply a medical device to remove the tag tissue. The removal starts from the stalk.

Cryotherapy treatment

This is the freezing of warts or skin tags. It is painless since you just have to dip non-toothed forceps into the liquid nitrogen during a few seconds. The instrument is then held to the affected area so that the tag gently grasps the chemical. The liquid nitrogen should not touch any part not affected by the skin outgrowth.

This treatment will result in a mild stinging sensation. Having a skin tag removed from an eyelid is a more complicated procedure that takes longer to perform. To efficiently get rid of the tag, you may want a cryotherapy procedure done.


2)     Natural medicines

Tea Tree Oil – You may use this substance to heal your skin tags, moles and warts. It is perfect for many skin disorders. To apply the oil to the affected skin, dip a cotton ball into the tea tree oil and apply it to the affected part. Be patient with the results since you should apply it daily for two to three days. It should take around four weeks until the skin tag vanishes.

Castor oil – For many years, castor oil has been used as a laxative suited for young children. It also provides a number of health benefits which include protecting the scalp from infections and other skin disorders. To make this efficiently work, you may need to mix the castor oil with baking soda to form a paste. Cover the skin blemish with the paste and then a Band-Aid and it allow it to work on the tag for a few days. After that, you will notice it starts to fall off and disappear. No evidence may show this treatment is efficient, but it is certainly worth a try.

Apple Cider Vinegar – The use of this vinegar can be an efficient way to get rid of skin tags. This liquid is easy to find as you can get it through your local grocery store. What you should do is to simply dab a cotton ball into the apple cider vinegar and apply it to the skin. You may want to hold it in place with a medical tape or a Band-Aid. It take around two to four days in order to do its magic.

The choice is really yours whether or not you try using wart remover on skin tags. If you want to heal skin tags safely, you should consult with a medical practitioner.

Click to purchase a guide that outlines what house products you can use to deal with your ugly skin tags