There Are Some Tips and Tricks To Living With The Uncomfortable …

Anyone diagnosed with acid reflux disease understands the need to control the eruptions that signal that the acid reflux is alive and well.

You can live with this uncomfortable condition if you make it possible to make lifestyle changes that not only cover up the condition but also allow you to embrace a new life without the discomforts of acid reflux.

It won’t be possible to cure acid reflux but you can manage the symptoms, and perhaps alleviate or prevent the symptoms in the future.

Tips to help you manage your acid reflux:

Instead of eating 3 big meals, chose instead to eat 6 smaller meals. This will allow your stomach to handle the food better and relieve the gastric pressure.

Keep a regular bedtime and make a point not to eat or drink anything for least 2 hours before bedtime.

When you do lie down for naps or to sleep at night make sure that the upper part of your body is elevated such as napping sitting up in a chair, or rising the head of the bed.

Learn to avoid foods that tend to trigger your acid reflux attacks. Some foods are known to irritate the lining of the esophagus like spicy foods, acidic foods, coffee, tea, soda, and alcohol. Sometimes it is helpful to keep a journal of what and when acid reflux occurs. If you keep a journal of what you eat or drink, when you discover you have acid reflux and what measure you took to control it, you might be surprised what symptoms you can identity and manage.

Sleep with the head and chest of your body elevated higher than your stomach. This position will force the stomach contents to remain where they are and not up in the esophagus.

Individuals can use Antacids and H2 blockers. H2 blockers do not work immediately; they take an hour or two before they will start working.

Another good tip is to not wear tight clothing. Clothing should be loose. Tight-fitting belts, and firm undergarments are especially to be avoided.

Did you know that smoking stimulates the stomach to produce more stomach acid adding to the problem? Stopping smoking is good not only for your health but also for the treatment of your heartburn.

Learn how to relax and de-stress yourself. Stress can be linked to many things one of which is acid reflux. Use relaxation techniques to help you manage your acid reflux.

So there you have them the tips and tricks for living with the uncomfortable condition we have all become familiar with as acid reflux. The many ways to manage the condition, must first be understood, questions answered, the treatment plan explained and the occurrence of heartburn to be relived.

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