Hair loss update with Rogaine and shampoo … – Men's Hair Forum

For hair loss genetic factors and male hormone DHT are responsible for hair loss.

Without genetic vulnerability hair loss will not happen.While testing if hair loss genes are found then we can say person is vulnerable to hair loss.

In that case person has not yet gone for hair loss that means his genes are inactivated.There might me one more condition if DHT hormone is absent then hair loss will not happen if geneteic genes are present.

Those cases where DHT Concentration is high and loss genes are activated then hair loss is faster in those people If a person is in his 20’s, hair loss gene is activated and the DHT concentration is very high hair loss is fastest.

But if hair loss genes get activated in 50’s,the DHT concentration is on the lower side,the hair loss is very gradual.

if the person has genetic vulnerability , hair loss genes activated,the age of hair loss gene activation is going to determine that at what pace hair loss will occur.

AT which stage of life or at what age these genes activated cannot be predicted.If these genes are activated we can predict the course of hair loss depending on the age at which hair loss genes getactivated.The pace of hair loss is directly related to the concentration of DHT.Faster it is more hair loss will occur.

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