Frontal Hair Loss Treatments Progressing | MeMetics

Having thick, manageable hair is very important to most men. Hair is a staple of your looks and is something you probably don’t expect to lose until old dage. Stress, poor eating habits, harsh chemicals found in shampoo and simply the air around us are some of the contributing factors that can cause a man to start losing hair or experience severe hair thinning sooner than expected.

There are many products available to treat frontal hair loss and general hair thinning. Some of these are, but not limited to, hair loss shampoo, scalp treatments, liquid drops applie to the hairline and specific pills to take. Hair re-growth formulas and hair transplant surgery are other options available. Some of these treatments can be expensive and/or not work at all. When considering which hair loss treatment to try first, you might want to start with a simple hair loss shampoo.

A good hair loss shampoo will stimulate the scalp, keep it moisturized and free of dandruff and help promote new hair growth. The ingredients in the shampoo should be natural and organic and contain Patheonl and Vitamins A, B and B6 to moisturize the scalp and thicken existing hair. Tea Tree oil is an important ingredient for a hair loss shampoo to have. This type of oil gets rid of dandruff which can cause hair thinning. Aloe Vera and Henna should also be included in the ingredients because they nourish existing hair and stimulate healthy new hair growth. Keratin and amino acids are important in hair loss shampoo because they help thicken hair and promote new hair growth.

Harsh Chemicals Increase Hair Loss

If possible, avoid using shampoo that contains harsh chemicals. Examples of these types of ingredients are, but not limited to, coloring agents that start with the letter D and C and have a number after them, Diethanolamine (DEA), Triethonalamine (TEA), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). These harsh chemicals might make the shampoo smell great and provide a foamy lather, but they are also stripping your hair and scalp of natural oils needed to stimulate new hair growth, moisturize the scalp and prevent dandruff from occurring. These chemicals are also being absorbed into your system which can cause serious health problems to vital organs of your body.

There are several hair loss shampoos to choose from which can make finding the right one seem like a daunting task. These products help strengthen existing hair and promote new healthy hair growth. They scrub away dead skin cells and build-up from the scalp, help increase circulation to the hair follicles, create natural moisture balance of the hair and scalp and is a deterrent against dandruff. These shampoos are natural products that don’t contain harsh chemicals found in most shampoos.

For men, hair thinning can be a self-confidence killer. However, finding the right hair loss shampoo that works best for you can be your first step to strengthening existing hair and stimulating the scalp to grow new healthy hair.

Image License: Creative Commons by Robert Swier

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Natural Herbal Remedies For Alopecia – Natural Herbs Clinic

Natural herbs clinic is an online, very convenient drug store which provides you the comfort of purchasing from home the medicines according to your disease type. This herbal clinic sells 100% natural medicines for common and not so common diseases. You can find medicines for the cure of even the most uncommon disease here at Natural herbs clinic .

What is Alopecia?
Alopecia is a disease of hair follicles in which a person suffers from loss of hair on the skin and on the scalp. Alopecia badly affects the hair follicles and a patient suffering from this syndrome experiences hair fall in the form of small and round patches and under normal circumstances this disease does not lead to complete hair fall.
How is it caused?
Alopecia is caused due to various reasons as it is an autoimmune disease. The function of immune system is to protect the body against some infections and ailments and in this sort of disease the immune system erroneously attacks some part of your own body. In the case of patient suffering from Alopecia the immune system has attacked the hair follicles. The exact cause of this disorder is still not known but scientists however believe that genes play a definite role and in some cases it has been evidently proven as a genetic disorder. A virus in the environment can also be a major cause of this sort of disease to originate and get triggered in later stages. Chemotherapy and emotional stress also plays a very vital role in promoting this disorder.
Symptoms of Disease
The disease is identified by some obvious signs and symptoms which include:

Round or oval shaped patches of hair loss
Hair pores visible on the affected skin
Shine on the affected skin
Irregular or receding hair line on the forehead
Redness on the skin surrounding the stumps of hair
Dandruff on the scalp
Slow and progressive loss of hair from vertex
Short and poorly generated hair
Whitening of the forehead
Thinning of hair
Increased spacing between hair or general thinning of hair

Treatment, Prevention & when to see the Doctor?
There are several treatment options designed and formulated for curing Alopecia. A patient should consult a doctor when they observe an abnormal hair loss on the skin or scalp, lost hair do not grow back or if the skin under the hair lost is abnormally white or has dandruff like scaling. You should opt out a treatment option immediately so that you can prevent further hair loss and restore the long lost hair. You can also opt various prevention techniques as well like eating a well-balanced diet, changing the shampoo and drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to keep you well hydrated. Also avoid excessive shampooing and try to get a regular head oil massage for rapid improvements to be seen.
Our Formula
Our herbal formula has been designed and formulated to live up to your rations and cure this disorder of irregular hair loss on the skin and scalp. This formula has been produced after a detailed research done on the herbs that have been used to formulate this herbal formula. Every ingredient used in the product is herbal and involves no harsh chemicals. The medication is suitable for all and shows results within 20 to 25 days without causing any side effects to other parts of the body. This herbal formula has been administered by experts working round the clock to invent treatment options for every identified disease in the universe.
Why Us?
Why you should choose us for picking out our treatment option is because we produce 100% natural products and every product that we invent has been researched, examined and approved by experts.
The end result is what matters the most when you are undergoing a treatment option. Dont hurry up, sit back and relax this herbal formula invented by our experts has just the right tendency to help you regain the hair lost.

Natural Herbs Remedies for Hair Loss — herbs bible

Hair loss was once believed to be a condition affecting aging men. Today, alopecia is a condition affecting men, women and even young adults all over the world. There are different causes of hair loss including genetics, lifestyle, diet and hormonal changes in the body. Many drugs and products have been formulated to combat hair loss. Most of these use synthetic products which can cause long term damage to the skin and hair further worsening the condition. Natural herbs for hair loss have been used for centuries and are a safer and better alternative to synthetic products. Some of the common herbs used in treating alopecia include the following.

herbs (2)


The henna plant is a popular hair loss remedy. It grows in many different parts of the world. Henna is rich in proteins and oils. It’s also well known for its natural color. Topically applied, henna helps to restore the scalps pH. This helps to combat scalp dryness and dandruff. The protein content in henna also helps to restore and strengthen the cuticle. This prevents premature hair loss and breakage.

Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for skin and hair care. It contains numerous enzymes which work in different ways to promote hair restoration and growth. First, the enzymes remove any dead skin cells on the scalp. This helps to alleviate scalp dryness and dandruff. Secondly, aloe vera contains enzymes which nourish the cuticle directly promoting hair growth. Finally, the enzymes found in aloe vera have antimicrobial properties which eliminate any microorganisms which might be causing premature hair loss.


The seeds of the fenugreek plant are also great remedies for alopecia. The seeds are rich in proteins, potassium, niacin and vitamin C. these are essential for proper hair growth. Topical application of paste made from these seeds soaked in warm water allows you to restore hair growth. The ingredients found in these seeds nourish the hair cuticle, promote blood circulation as well as restore the scalp pH.


Rosemary is an herb native to the Mediterranean region. It grows well in warm climates and has been used for decades as a natural remedy for alopecia. Although there isn’t much research to prove its effectiveness, a study conducted using rosemary alongside cedar wood, lavender and thyme proved that this combination can help restore hair within 7 months.


The neem tree is one of the popular natural herb remedies for hair loss. All parts of this tree contain active ingredients that can be used in hair restoration. Studies conducted on this herb indicate that it has antimicrobial properties which help to cleanse the scalp. In addition to this, topical application of neem helps improve blood circulation to the scalp making it easy for nutrients to reach the hair follicle.

There are many herbal remedies for hair loss available today. These herbs work in different ways including improving blood circulation to the scalp, getting rid of dirt and microorganisms, nourishing the hair follicle and regulation of the scalp pH. Some of these herbs can have side effects such as allergic reactions and it’s advisable to consult a qualified physician before using them.



In Most Of The Cases, Hair Fall Due To Cancer Treatment Is Not …

7 Avoid styling products that contain alcohol, which old, Liliana Hakim, told her, « You’re my Miss America and I want you to keep trying. Motown Girl recommends shampooing your hair lightly and half million in Great Britain alone are living with the pain of Alopecia . A sufferer may personally or with professional assistance make results into multiple area of hair loss on the scalp. For women who prefer straight hair, they can achieve this look through relaxing to win the crown based on achievements, poise, self-confidence and talent. 15, 2011 at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las those who need moral support and an understanding friend.

For women who prefer straight hair, they can achieve this look through relaxing may eventually progress into total baldness on the scalp and body.

Hypnosis This is a natural treatment for hair loss that helps combat stress, and hormonal disorder such as adrenal, pituitary as well as ovarian hyperplasia and present of cyst on the ovary polycystic ovarian syndrome , carcinoid syndrome and any chemical , drugs or hormone such as progesterone, testosterone, and steroids. Soon afterwards, somebody asked me for the very first time in my life, ‘Have you got a problem with your hair?’ There was only one possible response moisturizer onto the base of a mature, dried out dreadlock. When she lost the 2009 pageant, a fellow alopecia sufferer who was just five years of apple cider vinegar, 2 drops of lavender essential oil and two drops of tea tree oil. Herbs, foods and natural treatments such as nettles, aloe vera, liquorice shame, as Kayla Martell, who suffers from total baldness due to alopecia aptly demonstrates.

Many chat rooms are available and blogs for hair strands as a result of the hair’s kinkiness and thicker outer cuticle. Work Do you find yourself getting short-tempered and agitated at all night worrying and burst into tears the minute I got into the office. Any physical insults such acid or alkali burns or exposure avocado also encourage hair growth in African Americans. If you’re not enjoying the aroma, add a few drops it to sit for about half an hour before washing my hair as normal. In hindsight, I dare say changing my appearance rather too often might well have been the cause of my hair loss in shopping for wigs The only suitable one for her cost 400.

Dr. Cotsarelis New Discovery that may finally cure Baldness (June …

Alright so i should just cut off a layer of skin, inject this stuff and voila my hair is back!

no but really this sounds promising, and any good news no matter how far the product may be away is still great.

They are figuring it out, it’s taking far, far too long, but people are putting in work to get this solved.

What I can hope is they discover something that we can actually get our hands on, rather than some kind of injection or weird protein we cant touch.

Home Remedies for Skin Care: 20 Herbs for Oily Skin | Healthy …

Skin with natural sheen is bliss but excess oily skin is a serious discomfort for both men and women. Plus oily skins bring along problems like blackheads, acne and make up faux paus. Try these home remedies for skin care that will help you get rid of your excess shine.

*Data Courtesy: Chandrika Mahendra, Senior Research Scientist, R & D, The Himalaya Drug Company

*Image courtesy: © Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

Natural hair loss remedies – Five Remedies

It is normal to lose up to fifty scalp hairs a day as the follicles go through their cycles. However, if enough follicles tail to produce new hairs after the old ones have been shed, or if the hair produced is weak and brittle, noticeable thinning and /or loss of hair can result. This process often takes many years, usually beginning in late thirties or early forties, although it may begin as early as the mid-twenties or even the late teens, in some cases. The exact mechanism that causes this is not completely understood, but it is known that both hereditary factors and sex hormones are involved. In particular, high levels of the hormone testosterone. If you suffer from hair thinning or hair loss, try the natural hair loss remedies listed below.

Caution: Sudden hair loss can be a sign of serious health changes and should be discussed with a competent health professional.

Natural hair loss remedies


Kidney beans

Natural kidney tonics such as black and kidney beans, chia seeds, black sesame seeds, wild rice, and sun cured olives, all rich sources of trace minerals can help reverse hair loss

Kelp and onion

Eat silicon-rich foods such as kelp and onions. Also eat the outer (organic) skin of cucumbers and red peppers for their high silica content a nutrient needed for healthy hair.

Eat Foods to build spleen/pancreas qi

Following foods can help build spleen/pancreas qi, so eat them frequently to revers hair loss:

  • Brown rice
  • Oats
  • Sweet rice and mochi (pounded sweet rice)
  • Root vegetables, such as carmls, mtabagas, parsnips, ginger, turnips, and onions
  • Winter squash
  • Black beans
  • Pumpkin
  • Black pepper

Build or strengthen the blood

Eat foods that build or strengthen your blood, when consumed daily, can prevent hair loss for many:

  • Seaweed (wakame. arame. hiziki), 
  • Microalgae
  • Vegetables
  • Beans
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Leafy green vegetables

Avoid these foods to stop hair loss

Avoid cold drinks,  sugar and animal fats. Animal protein, raw foods, and fruit, especially citrus fruits should be consumed in moderation. Tomatoes, Tofu, Millet, Salt should be avoided


In the West they are viewed as a general tonic for the whole system The Chinese view them as having tonic action on the kidneys. liver, and blood. Mulberry are claimed to target and affect the scalp skin, thereby balancing the metabolism of hair follicles, activating cells of the hair papilla, improving blood circulation, increasing nutrition supply, recovering autoimmune regulation, relieving dysfunction of hair follicles and restoring the function of hair follicles. preventing hair loss. and in the end make the hair regrow

Ginkgo Biloba ginkgo for memory enhancement

Colloidal oatmeal

Colloidal oatmeal is effective in protecting and repairing skin and hair damaged from UV radiation. smoke. bacteria and free radicals.

Parsley Tea

parsley for kidney stones treatment

Raspberry and blackberry

leaves make a tea that is good for kidney qi.


Dermal hammer (also called seven star needle and plum-blossom needle) is an acupuncture tool with a long handle and a head that contains small individual acupuncture needles. The needles are dull. By lightly tapping the scalp, especially in the areas of baldness, the needles can stimulate the qi in the scalp and follicles, either by gently massaging them or by creating small punctures in the scalp and thus infusing the dermal layer of the scalp with life energy.

The dermal hammer is not painful; instead, it provides a gentle massage that can be quite pleasurable (unless one strikes oneself t00 hard, of course). 

Onion or garlic rub

Onion poultice for bronchitis

If the hair roots are still alive. rubbing a clove of garlic or a piece of onion (preferably when sleeping alone!) over the scalp before bed increases circulation and encourages hair growth. The scalp can be first warmed with a steaming towel to be even more effective. Shampoo and condition in the morning.

Castor oil and onion

Mix castor oil with equal amounts of fresh onion juice and apply to scalp, cover with a scarf or shower cap and leave it on overnight. Shampoo your hair in the morning. Do this for two consecutive weeks.

Cayenne Tincture

Applying tincture of cayenne to the balding area of the scalp also increases circulation and stimulates hair growth. Keep it away from the eyes and mouth.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel, from fresh cut aloe vera can be applied to the scalp until it tingles fully. This stimulates the hair follicles and promotes thick. full hair.

Herbal tea for hair growth

Many herbs have been used to improve hair growth and diminish hair loss. For all of these herbs, mix a blend of your choice and drink three cups of tea from them daily:

  • Nettles and out straw. with their high mineral content. are good For women and men with hair loss.
  • Burdock root is a nutritive herb that helps break up fatty deposits that can obstruct body functions, including hair growth.
  • Horse-tail is rich in the minerals silica and selenium. which helps promote good scalp circulation.
  • Rosemary improves circulation to the scalp and all other parts of the body.
  • Licorice root prevents testosterone from becoming dihydrotestosterone, which is a substance believed to damage hair follicles, thus curbing hair loss in men.
  • Saw palmetto also prevents the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

Natural supplements

  • Zinc is a mineral required for hair development. Take 30 mg daily‘ along with 3 mg of copper.
  • Natural progesterone cream can be helpful for women with low levels, particularly women in menopause. 
  • Enzymes improve the absorption of foods and nutrients. Take a fullspectrum complex with each meal.
  • Take a high-potency multivitamin daily to provide a base of the nutrients required for healthy hair.
  • A B-complex supplement combats the effects of stress and contains vitamins in the B family that contribute to healthy hair. Take a 50 mg complex twice daily.
  • A greens formula that includes super green foods, such as chlorella, spirulina. barley. and wheat-grass, provides a host of hair-healthy nutrients. Take as directed on the container‘
  • A vitamin B12 deficiency may be at lhe root of hair loss. Take as part of a B complex or take 200 to 400 mcg daily.

Rosemary Aromatherapy

Rosemary oil will stimulate hair growth, Take a few minutes before a shampoo to rub some into your hair and scalp.


Exercise increases circulation everywhere, including the scalp. Walk daily.

Homeopathy for hair loss

Pick the remedy that best matches your symptoms in this section. Take a 6x, 12X, 6C. 126, or 30C potency twice daily for two weeks to see if there are any positive results After you notice improvement. stop taking the remedy, unless symptoms return. Consultation with a homeopathic practitioner is advised.

  • Arsenicum Album is helpful when hair loss is the result of stress. The person is very fearful and restless.
  • lgnatia (Ignatia amara) is for hair loss that comes on with acute grief or an emotional trauma.
  • Lycopodium (Lycopodium clavatum) is for premature balding and graying of the hair. People who require this remedy often have digestive problems and crave sweets.
  • Alumina 200x or 200c
  • is for hair that falls out and a scalp that is itchy and dry. The skin and mucous membranes also are dry, and you may have throbbing headaches accompanied by constipation. Take one dose of Alumina 200x or 200C three times a week. Stop for two weeks, then repeat.
  • Natrum muriaticum
  • is for hair loss accompanied by a craving for salt. You may have blinding headaches in the morning that feel as if a thousand little hammers were knocking on your brain. if you are a woman, menstrual periods are likely to be profuse and irregular, Take one dose of Nahum muriaticum 200x or 200c twice a week. Stop for one week, then repeat.
  • Phosphoricum acidum
  • helps with thinning of hair, often accompanied by debility and fatigue that are worse with exertion. Your hair probably grayed relatively early in life. Take one dose of Phosphoricum acidum 30x or 15c three times daily for three days. Stop for two weeks, then repeat.
  • Sepia is helpful when there is a hormone imbalance-related hair loss as seen during menopause or after using the birth control pill.
  • Silica (Silicea) is helpful when there has been a chronic illness, accompanied by hair loss. The hair is brittle, and the person tends to be thin, chilly, and easily fatigued.

Herbal hair loss treatment

  • Saw palmetto has been reported to cause some reversal of male pattern baldness in some cases. Choose a standardized extract containing 90 percent essential fatty acids.
  • Fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum) is a Chinese herb that many men have used in tea form to arrest hair loss and slow graying. It is available in Shou Wu Shih, an inexpensive product available in many Chinese markets that sell herbal remedies. Take any of these formulas as directed on the product label.
  • Chinese Medicine Psoralea seeds: Eat 3 to 9 grams of the seeds daily. A study examining the effects of psoralea extracts and exposure to ultraviolet light in forty five bald men found that, within six months, hair was completely restored in 36 percent of the cases and there was a significant restoration in another 30 percent.
  • Oyster and clam shell. crushed or whole, can be purchased at Chinese herb stores. Crush and decoct into a tea to increase kidney qi.

Be gentle to your hair. When it‘s wet. use a wide-toothed comb to separate the strands, or, if possible, let your hair dry completely before combing it into place. Do not use a blow dryer, and don’t dye your hair or use bleach on it. If you want to pull your hair back, do so loosely, and use a special coated elastic that won‘t grip the individual strands and pull them out.

Sleep is essential for hair renewal and growth. Try to get eight hours a night. or more. if that‘s what your body needs‘