Natural Herbs Remedies for Hair Loss — herbs bible

Hair loss was once believed to be a condition affecting aging men. Today, alopecia is a condition affecting men, women and even young adults all over the world. There are different causes of hair loss including genetics, lifestyle, diet and hormonal changes in the body. Many drugs and products have been formulated to combat hair loss. Most of these use synthetic products which can cause long term damage to the skin and hair further worsening the condition. Natural herbs for hair loss have been used for centuries and are a safer and better alternative to synthetic products. Some of the common herbs used in treating alopecia include the following.

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The henna plant is a popular hair loss remedy. It grows in many different parts of the world. Henna is rich in proteins and oils. It’s also well known for its natural color. Topically applied, henna helps to restore the scalps pH. This helps to combat scalp dryness and dandruff. The protein content in henna also helps to restore and strengthen the cuticle. This prevents premature hair loss and breakage.

Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for skin and hair care. It contains numerous enzymes which work in different ways to promote hair restoration and growth. First, the enzymes remove any dead skin cells on the scalp. This helps to alleviate scalp dryness and dandruff. Secondly, aloe vera contains enzymes which nourish the cuticle directly promoting hair growth. Finally, the enzymes found in aloe vera have antimicrobial properties which eliminate any microorganisms which might be causing premature hair loss.


The seeds of the fenugreek plant are also great remedies for alopecia. The seeds are rich in proteins, potassium, niacin and vitamin C. these are essential for proper hair growth. Topical application of paste made from these seeds soaked in warm water allows you to restore hair growth. The ingredients found in these seeds nourish the hair cuticle, promote blood circulation as well as restore the scalp pH.


Rosemary is an herb native to the Mediterranean region. It grows well in warm climates and has been used for decades as a natural remedy for alopecia. Although there isn’t much research to prove its effectiveness, a study conducted using rosemary alongside cedar wood, lavender and thyme proved that this combination can help restore hair within 7 months.


The neem tree is one of the popular natural herb remedies for hair loss. All parts of this tree contain active ingredients that can be used in hair restoration. Studies conducted on this herb indicate that it has antimicrobial properties which help to cleanse the scalp. In addition to this, topical application of neem helps improve blood circulation to the scalp making it easy for nutrients to reach the hair follicle.

There are many herbal remedies for hair loss available today. These herbs work in different ways including improving blood circulation to the scalp, getting rid of dirt and microorganisms, nourishing the hair follicle and regulation of the scalp pH. Some of these herbs can have side effects such as allergic reactions and it’s advisable to consult a qualified physician before using them.

