How to improve eyesight | – Penyakit

Improve eyesight naturally

Improve eyesight naturally

How to improve eyesight – often you suddenly realize that there is something wrong with your eyes. In this article we provide a variety of tips that our visual senses both children and adults was not affected by diseases such as minus, plus or cataracts. According to the health of the world (WHO) estimates there are 45 million people with blindness on the planet and it turned out to be third in the Southeast Asian region, where we live. In Indonesia there are an estimated one person become blind every minute in the world and estimated 12 people become blind every minute. Besides multiply eat carrots, there are several things that must be done so that our eyes stay healthy.

How to improve eyesight:

  • Get your eyes tested annually to an ophthalmologist

Eye conditions can always change. This is because the eye always accept new things every day.Environmental conditions then affect the state and health of your eyes.

You can not tell by examining their own eye health. It takes a special tool to see eye health. The best advice for you is always regularly checked by an eye doctor once a year in order to determine your eye health conditions

  • Choose the best quality contact lenses

Choosing a contact lens takes precision. Do not just brand names, or select an affordable price only. Choose the best for your eyes.

Contact lenses direct contact with the eye, so it should take care choosing contact lenses than ordinary glasses. Choose the best color that suits your eyes. But still do not ignore its quality.

  • Always use UV glasses in the sun

The sun does not only mean to skin you. Eye also should not be exposed to direct light. That if you really love your eyes. Because the radiation of UV light will give a bad effect on the eyes.

Try using anti-UV sunglasses that protect your eyes from the sun directly. Especially if you are doing activities outdoors. Just choose glasses that fit with the fashion trends. Healthy eyes, but still be stylish.

  • Supplements or eating good food for the eyes

Want healthy eyes do not forget consumption of food or supplements that contain vitamin A , C, E, Folic Acid, Selenium and Zinc. All the food and supplements are able to inhibit the factors of agingthat also affect the performance of the eye.

  • Set when the lights in front of the computer

Your lights affect the health of your eyes. Attain your lights to suit your eye comfort while reading or working at the computer.

Dark conditions and dim very bad for you. Accelerate eye damage. Too light is also not good, because it makes a quick glare and eye fatigue. Therefore just set your light, not too dark or bright. Are important enough to help you see the best condition.

  • Give adequate rest time for your eyes

Like the other members of your body, your eyes need rest,. So when you sleep, use a light sleeper. Or just turn off your lights. It would be better if your eyes are already tired of a day in the dark condition. Will make your eyes more relaxed and fresh the next morning.

  • Replace your contact lenses fit the recommended time

Each contact lenses have a lifetime. Avoid using too long. Loose if you do not need it, or when you are relaxing at home.

Usage time is normally 12 hours a day. The rest do not force your eyes to work too hard with contact lenses. And do not forget, check the expiration time. Do not be forced to use it, because there are time limits specified usage. Replace new every month.

  • Diligent cleaning your contact lenses

Dust and other particles will stick on contact lenses, therefore, must be diligent to clean it with a special fluid. To guard sanitation.

Thus the article how to improve eyesight, may be useful. Good luck ..

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How to Improve Eyesight

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