Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Treatment Advice

Not many sufferers realize that Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatments are readily available without medical or surgical care if it is diagnosed early enough. Few of us have heard this term for hemorrhoids but it is more common than we realize. Internal hemorrhoids do occur more often, but external hemorrhoids are the type most of us fear due to their appearances and their symptoms.

Other terms for thrombosed hemorrhoids are prolapsed external hemorrhoids or perianal hematoma. Although these are not usually serious they can be quite painful. Even without treatment they usually resolve within a couple of weeks. No one wants to suffer that long with this condition so they seek treatment for it.

What are thrombosed hemorrhoids?

Thrombosed hemorrhoids basically are blood clots in external tissue that surrounds the anus. Hemorrhoids are caused by several factors that can be controlled by the patient to prevent them if they tend to recur often. However, if the patient does not take such action the hemorrhoids, which is actually the term for the tissue affected and not the actual painful condition, become aggravated and inflamed. Occasionally they will protrude through the anal opening as prolapsed hemorrhoids, which can then become blood filled painful tissue.

The appearance of thrombosed hemorrhoids can be quite alarming to the sufferer. Often the blood filled tissue will have a blue or purplish appearance and may actually bleed. The symptoms of hemorrhoid include:

  • Hard lump in or around the anus filled with coagulated blood
  • Even after passing a BM, the sufferer still fills full
  • There may be bright red blood passed with the stool
  • Itchiness, red and possibly sore
  • Mucus discharge from anus
  • Sufferer may strain excessively when passing BM

Prevention methods

The best treatment or cure for thrombosed hemorrhoids is avoidance which can be accomplished with a diet rich in fiber from natural sources such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. Also drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day will help soften stools to make them easier to pass.  Also, reducing caffeinated beverages will help. Losing weight will reduce pressure on the anus as well. Avoid straining when passing a stool and use moist towelettes when cleaning afterward.

Home remedies and OTC treatments

Although some doctors may recommend more invasive or surgical treatments for thrombosed hemorrhoids it is possible to take care of it yourself at home. If your case is relatively mild, although it is hard to imagine a mild case of hemorrhoids, you can use creams, and OTC painkillers to reduce the symptoms and make the pain more manageable. It is important to know that these creams, however innocuous they may seem should not be used for more than 7 consecutive days because they can eventually cause more irritation and even thin the skin in the treated area. Laxatives should be used sparingly, but they can help reduce the pain.

Even though these remedies and OTC treatments are reasonable treatments to the problem we always recommenced our readers use a natural solution first. One such solution is Hemrid, a all natural product that is proven to treat the hemorrhoids from the inside rather than externally. These oral capsules include a proprietary mix of familiar herbal ingredients that treat the inflamed area through the blood system. If you are suffering with Hemorrhoids right now or have a friend or loved one who is then you owe it to yourself to click the blue link below now and learn more about this fantastic solution.

Click Here to Visit Hemrid, Our No.1 Recommended Hemorrhoid Treatment