Thinning hair and hair loss – Hair Loss Treatment, Hair Regrowth …

There are so many people worry about their hair loss or want to fix ‘baby hair’. For people are experiencing pattern hair loss, baby hair can be the part of loss. Let’s try to explain how they are connected and why should start to use treatment as soon as possible to lower and maintain the stage of hair loss.

Our hair loss resources indicate that it may take years for someone from early stages of hair loss to go totally bald, but the pictures may not clearly show about thinning hair which is a process of hair loss.

If you take a photo of your thinning areas and zoom in (because some hair may be invisible if you don’t check this way), you may find a lot of hairs look thin and short even less than 1 mm grow out of follicles with light color and soft. Most of them are not able to stand or grow at a right angle on the scalp. People may call them baby hair or thinning hair which will loss / fall out from the scalp easily in a short period of time.

DHT shrinks hair follicles. As a result, follicles are closing and producing a thinner hair shaft. Also, hair growing phase becomes shorter, so hair does not have enough time and nutrition support to grow long, and they are not strong enough to stand at a right angle.

According to the technologies we have so far, it is not possible to make hair re-grow after follicles completely closed just like we are not able to grow grass without any roots or seeds. For people are experiencing pattern hair loss, thinning hair is a chance to grow thicker, longer and healthy if chose the right treatment and use them properly, otherwise, it could be result in further excessive hair loss and end up in a complete baldness. Please get the right and quality hair loss treatment when you still have a chance to stop hair loss (prevent follicles totally close) and promote hair growth.