Sweat Your Way To Healthy Skin – Hello Beautiful

woman-sweatingTrying to figure out how that girl three cubicles down maintains her dewey illumines skin as if she’s 10 and not 30? I know how. She be sweatin’ on a reg (new rap song dropping in the spring). No really, drugstores don’t sell this beauty secret ladies so lace up and read on to find out how you can sweat your way to healthy glowing skin.

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Your Skin On Sweat? Sweating is not only important for maintaining proper temperature but is also important for cleansing.  When we sweat our bodies release various toxins, and some of these toxins can only be eliminated through the skin (which by the way is your single largest organ). And when those toxins exit our pores healthy skin makes it’s entrance. Wallah!

Drink To This. Sweat is made up of close to 95 percent water and actually accounts for about 10 percent of the water that your body loses on any given day. So the more you sweat the more water you must drink. Think, one to two hours before your workout, drink 15 to 20 ounces of water; 15 minutes before you begin, 8 to 10 ounces; and during your workout, another 8 ounces every 15 minutes/or as needed. Don’t drink too much though. All that fluid rumbling around in your belly during jumping jacks can easily come back up and end up on the gym floor. Yuk!

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