11 Home Remedies For Warts – Natural Remedy, Treatments & Cure …

wartsWarts can be quite unpleasant sights. Appearing as extra growths on the skin surface, warts are usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection, and are usually non-cancerous. Nevertheless, they can look extremely ugly and downright ghastly in certain cases. Which is why most people who have warts on their body try to get them removed in any way possible.

While standard treatments for warts can be effective in removing the growths, they can in certain cases be quite expensive. As an alternative, certain home remedies have proven to be equally effective in getting rid of warts. Better yet, they don’t cost much at all. So if you are on the lookout for cheap but effective ways to get rid of those ugly warts, here are some excellent home remedies that would do the trick without burning a hole through your pocket.

Simple and Effective Home Remedies for Warts

Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

A simple, but very effective home remedy for wart removal, organic apple cider vinegar (which contains the ‘mother’) may just be what you need to get relief from those warts. All you need to do is dab a small amount of apple cider vinegar above the warts with the help of a cotton swab.

Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

Cover the warts with a bandage afterwards to let the vinegar soak in nicely. Repeat the procedure at regular intervals for quick results. Make sure you don’t use the same cotton swab twice as it could lead to recurrences.

Leave The Them Alone

Sometimes the best thing to do to a wart is leave it alone. In certain cases, the warts can dry out and fall off on their own with time. So be patient and see if the warts fall off on their own.Be very careful when touching the warts as the virus causing them is extremely infectious and can easily spread to other parts of the body. So touching, picking, scratching, prodding or cutting them can seriously aggravate the infection and cause recurrences. So refrain from touching the warts and wash your hands immediately with a good antibiotic soap immediately in case you do.

Sprinkle Some Baking Soda

Sprinkle some baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) powder onto the warts and then apply some apple cider vinegar over them. Cover them with a bandage for some time.

Sprinkle some Baking Soda

Alternatively, you can make a paste of baking soda and water (in the ration 1:1) and apply the same over the warts before covering them with a bandage. The antiviral properties of baking soda would get rid of the virus causing the warts, and promote quick healing in the process.

Keep Them Dry

The virus causing the warts can thrive under moist and damp conditions. So make sure you keep your hands and feet dry as much as possible. Take a shower immediately after exercising, dry your hands and feet after washing them, change items like socks if your feet sweat excessively and make it a point to wear a good quality body talc to prevent excessive sweating.

Castor Oil Works Too

Another topical home remedy for warts involves applying a few drops of castor oil directly on the warts and covering them with a bandage.

Castor Oil works too

Alternatively, you can apply castor oil directly on the warts using a filler and then massage the surrounding area nicely to facilitate easy absorption. Regular application of castor oil on the warts would help get rid of the warts quickly and effectively.

Wrap Them In Duct Tape

You may be surprised that getting rid of warts would need nothing more than just duct tape. Duct tape has been known to be very effective in getting rid of incessant warts. All you need to do is cover the wart with some duct tape (cover the wart completely) and leave it alone for about a week.Remove the duct tape after a week and soak the wart in a bowl of lukewarm water. Using a pumice stone, gently scrub the wart until it peels off the skin. If the wart doesn’t come off though, you would need to repeat the procedure for at least another 3 weeks for fruitful results.

Apply Some Aloe Vera Gel

Warts can be easily removed with the help of aloe vera gel which is loaded antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Using a cotton swab, apply some aloe vera gel directly over the warts.

Apply some Aloe Vera Gel

You can also keep the cotton in place using a bandage or plain duct tape. Remove the cotton after a few hours and replace it with a fresh swab. Repeat the procedure until the wart falls off (which would probably happen in a week or so).

Try Some Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is also considered to be an effective home remedy for warts. As mentioned in the previous case, you can apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide directly above the warts (a filler would also do) and cover them with a bandage for about 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure at regular intervals throughout the day. The warts would eventually dry out and fall off.

Try Essential Oils

Essential oils are known for their antifungal properties that help deal with a variety of bacterial and viral infections. Essential oils are also known to be very effective home remedies for wart removal.

Try Essential Oils

All you need to do is apply a single drop of essential tea tree oil or essential lemon oil over the wart (using a cotton swab or a filler). Leave it on for about 15 minutes and wash the area in lukewarm water. Repeat the procedure several times a day for maximum benefits. The warts would most probably fall off within 2 weeks.

Also Read

Top Natural Cure For Warts
How To Get Rid Of Vagina Warts
6 Quick Ways To Remove Warts
9 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Genital Warts

Rub A Banana Peel

Don’t throw away a banana peel the next time you eat a banana. Rather, rub the banana peel on the warts nicely. Banana peel is known to effectively treat warts and can make them fall off quickly. Keep a banana peel handy (a fresh one of course) and rub it on the warts at regular intervals throughout the day for maximum benefits.

Rub Some Garlic

And finally! Try rubbing a few cloves of garlic over the warts at regular intervals throughout the day. Garlic is loaded with antibacterial and antiviral properties that would help get rid of the infection causing virus in no time at all, along with the warts as well.

Rub some Garlic

Alternatively, you can grind garlic to form a paste which you can apply on the warts. Cover the warts with a bandage and leave it overnight. Rinse if off with lukewarm water the next morning. Repeat the procedure for quick and effective results.

Photo Credit: http://wartshater.com/?p=59