Best Vitamins for a Receding Hair Line | Receding Hairline Treatment

Frontal hair loss or receding hairline can be very embarrassing, getting past the awkwardness you need solution to fight hair loss. Receding hairline not only affects the way you look, but also affects your professional as well as personal life and damages self-confidence. However, before you find ways to deal with it, it is important to understand why it usually happens.

Causes of frontal baldness

Receding Hairline and Vitamins

If you are experiencing hair loss problem then you share the issues with other 95% main and the most common reason to it is DHT (dihydrotestosterone). This is one naturally occurring enzyme which is released by the body as you age. It can happen in puberty but usually occurs at late 20s and early 40s. Hair follicles are attacked by DHT that makes them shrink and finally stop growing. Genetics being the most common cause there are various other reasons that can lead to hair loss. It could be because of hormone level, stress, pregnancy, menopause, aging, heredity, vitamin deficiency and skin disorder. Whether you are suffering from receding hairline or male pattern baldness there is a cure to it.

People suffering from hair loss probably wonder about the best vitamins available that helps in hair gain. Early use of vitamins can prevent hair from thinning and slow down the process of hair loss and prevent it from receding further.

Reduce hair loss with Best vitamins for a receding hair line

The most essential vitamin for hair growth is Vitamin B. food items rich in B-vitamins are beans, nuts, carrot, soy beans and peas. Supplementing B vitamins with vitamin B complex can give best results.

Hairloss and vitamins

Riboflavin, the other name for Vitamin B2 is another good vitamin for improving receding hair condition as it is associated with cell respiration and growth. Besides that it also acts as a catalyst for B6 vitamin that relates to hormone balance. Stress is most common reason and its reason is pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 deficiency. Folic acid or B2 vitamin can help improve your mental health and accelerates cell growth.

Other vitamins that are essential for hair growth are Vitamin C, E and H. hair growth can be connected to immune system and it can be stimulated with Vitamin E. regular intake of vitamins improves the flow of blood to the scalp and aids growth of tissue. Deficiency of all these vitamins can result in unhealthy hair as well as skin.

A combination of healthy supplements and best vitamins can bring about a positive change in you not only by bringing by lustrous and healthy hair but also enhancing your personality.

Supplements to combine with Best vitamins for a receding hair line

Zinc and Hairloss

Essential supplements that work well with the vitamins are Zinc, Magnesium, Inositol, Iron, and Keratin. Zinc is a must for fit immune system important for healthy hair and scalp. Similar is with iron but it should be consumed under guidance of a health expert as high iron levels can be dangerous and cause heart diseases and cancer. Magnesium is a must for bone formation and with B12 vitamin it helps prevent hair loss by fighting stress. When taking vitamins and supplements for receding hair line, dose must be taken into consideration and must be consulted with a doctor before intake