Home Remedies For Psoriasis – Natural Treatments & Cure For …

PsoriasisPsoriasis is a skin condition that affects millions of people all over the world. When the skin cells grow too fast, they develop as thick white or red patches on the skin. Old skin cells flake off gradually and new skin cells are produced to replace them. In psoriasis, the new skin cells are produced in excess and they move swiftly to the surface of the skin.

This quick proliferation causes the buildup of the skin cells into thick plaques. These patches can be big or small and are mostly common on the hands, feet, knees, scalp, elbows and lower back. This disease is more common in adults but children and adolescents too are susceptible to it. In mild cases of this disease, the patches are small and cover only a small area of the skin.

In moderate psoriasis, the skin becomes inflamed and becomes covered with raised bumps which begin scaling and flaking. In severe cases there is a lot of itching and tenderness in the large patches which occupy big areas of the skin. The joints too can become swollen and painful. This disease is either hereditary or caused by an erratic immune system.

Best Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the best remedy for psoriasis. It full of vital nutrients that provide valuable nourishment to the skin and help maintain its health.

coconut oil

It anti-inflammatory, soothing and moisturizing properties bring relief in the swelling and itching and keep the skin soft and well moisturized. Massage the affected areas with pure coconut oil twice daily. Rub the oil well into the skin to stop the scaling and flaking.


Make a thick paste with some besan and curd and apply it all over the affected areas. If you want, you can use this remedy as a substitute for soap and use it all over your body. Allow the paste to dry then rub it off, with a gentle circular motion and then bathe with warm water. The curd will nourish the skin and alleviate the itching, besan will cleanse the skin thoroughly and the rubbing will exfoliate the dead skin cells and disperse the accumulation of skin cells underneath the skin.

Orange Juice

Oranges are rich in vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. It removes all the harmful toxins from the body and purifies the blood.

Orange Juice

It also boosts immunity and helps the immune system to function correctly and optimally. The juice keeps the skin well hydrated and prevents the skin from becoming dry. Drink two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice daily.

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Green Tea

Green tea has huge antioxidant properties which flush out all the harmful free radicals from the body and detoxify it. It also corrects the function of the immune system and ensures the proper functioning of all the organs.

Green Tea

Boil one cup of water and add one teaspoon of green tea to it. Cover the cup and after ten minutes strain the tea and drink three cups of it regularly.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar restores the pH balance of the skin and helps in reducing the red patches considerably. Dab apple cider vinegar all over the affected areas three times daily.