Treatments of Psoriasis: An Introduction |

Psoriasis is a skin condition that occurs when the skin replaces themselves too quickly which causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered in silvery scales that are sometimes painful.Psoriasis is most common on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp but can also occur on any part of the body. Most people who have it are affected in small patches on their body. It is non-infectious but is persistent and chronic. For some people who has the condition, psoriasis is just a nuisance but for some, it is disabling especially when associated with arthritis. There is no cure for psoriasis but a range of treatments can minimize the symptoms and the appearance of the affected areas. Emollients, Vitamin A and D derivatives, tar preparations, steroids and other topical drugs are your first line treatments. UV B light therapy, systemic medication such as methotrexate and the use of biogenics such ustekinumab, etanercept, adalimumab and infliximab are some of the recommended treatments to ease the symptoms of psoriasis.Treatment will depend on type, severity, and location of psoriasis.

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Psoriasis, a condition characterized by abnormal growth of reddish, thick, scaly plaques on the skin, involve million worldwide says Methotrexate may be prescribe to treat severe psoriasis (more than 20% of the skin affected) as well as psoriatic arthritis, the dosage and route is determined based on the severity. It works as an immuno-suppressant, lowers the rate of skin production and slows the progress of psoriatic arthritis, but the effects takes several weeks to be beneficial. Blood monitoring is needed during the therapy and side effects include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakened immunity and long term use could lead to liver damage. Consult your MD if Methotrexate therapy is right for you.

It was in the 1970s when the FDA had approved the use of methotrexate as one of the systemic medications you can use to manage severe psoriasis though it had been used to treat cancer. Methotroxate is very effective in reducing all the symptoms that can be painful if you have psoriatic arthritis. WebMD and PubMed discussed the use of methotrexate on the condition and there are limitations to its use. You should note use it if you have chronic liver conditions, immunodeficiency syndrome, pregnant, or has ulcer. Clinical trials have shown the improvement a patient has using methotrexate but it has really strong agents so to get it, it is given via prescription.

Psoriasis is one of the most prevalent lifelong dermatological condition (according to a study by J Am Acad Dermatol et al). The conditions happens because of the body mistakes the skin as foreign and attacks it causing overproduction of the epidermis and the skin becomes red, itchy and scaly says sites like Creams are typically used as treatment. They are usually applied on the lesions to reduce inflammation, slow skin renewal and clear up the plaque. They usually contain corticosteroids (like betamethasone), vitamin D3 analogues (for example, calcipotriol), retinoids (like tazarotene), coal tar (psoriasis mg lotion), etc. A lot of these creams are available OTC but always consult your physician regarding their intended use.

The cure for psoriasis is about getting the best help from experts so that you would not have to suffer from a severe form of this condition. It is very important to note that more and more doctors would choose to go with the mild forms of treatment (like topical creams and agents and phototherapy known as ultraviolet light therapy or a combination of both) as much as possible but would resort to really huge doses if needed. You can check out sites online like WebMD, ClinicalTrials, TV, Langley, RNA, PubChem, Remicade, Medscape, PMC, Reuters, Mayo clinic, GenBank, or Facebook to get more ideas on how the whole thing goes so that you can have a good idea on what you should expect as cure so that there would be no system infections or randomized itching. There are experts though who believe in placebo treatment for infections.