What is Psoriasis and how the disease can be effectively treated

What is Psoriasis and how the disease can be effectively treated


Psoriasis in a genetic disease, meaning it manifests through the genes that are inherited. It is chronic and it points to a weak immune, appearing as a rash and affects general skin areas including the scalp and even nails. Plaque psoriasis is the more common type of the disorder. There are various treatments for the disease that include the use of alternative therapy that relies on more natural remedies such as changing the diet and systemic therapy which uses medication in specific doses to manage the irritation depending on severity as prescribed by the physician. Psoriasis Begone provides you with

Psoriasis in a genetic disease, meaning it manifests through the genes that are inherited. It is chronic and it points to a weak immune, appearing as a rash and affects general skin areas including the scalp and even nails. Plaque psoriasis is the more common type of the disorder. There are various treatments for the disease that include the use of alternative therapy that relies on more natural remedies such as changing the diet and systemic therapy which uses medication in specific doses to manage the irritation depending on severity as prescribed by the physician. Psoriasis Begone provides you with more information on the types and treatment for the disorder such as the use of shampoo when bathing, ointment containing calcitriol applied on the affected areas and Psoralen a therapy that comes in various dosing applications combined with exposure to the ultraviolet light abbreviated as PUVA.

by Psoriasis Begone

Vaccines are routine medical procedure, but some question the efficacy of vaccines as they may be linked in the occurrence of some diseases like psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated, dermatologic condition says http://psoriasisbegone.net Although the exact cause of the condition is unknown it is believed that a combination of genetics and environmental factors trigger it. There’s a correlation between vaccinations and outbreaks of psoriasis. Live attenuated (weakened) vaccines may acts as a triggers since they exposes the individual to the bacteria or virus itself as opposed to inactivated vaccines. Recombinant DNA Vaccines have also been shown to trigger auto immune tendencies. Always discuss vaccinations with your doctor to better protect your child’s health.

A new study may help explain why ultraviolet light therapy and vitamin D creams work well for many patients. As what study researcher Jurgen Schauber, MD, of Ludwig-Maximillian University in Munich, Germany, tells WebMD, vitamin D-based treatments increase the binding of a peptide called cathelicidin to DNA, which, in turn, inhibits the inflammatory response that triggers psoriasis (http://ratatosk8677.exteen.com/20130402/scalp-psoriasis-treatment-embarasing-bodies). The finding may one day lead to better treatments for the painful skin condition that specifically target cathelicidin.

Phototherapy, also known as light therapy, involves using ultraviolet light on the skin and is administered with expert supervision. The treatments happen in a psoriasis clinic with a phototherapy unit and is efficient in removing plaque and tar as well. WebMD, NCBI, and PUVA discussed that the light used here is UVB or ultraviolet light B and it can be found in sunlight but the machine uses artificial light on each therapy schedule. The light penetrates the area which slows the cells from growing even more. Psoriasis may worsen for a while before it starts improving with UVB treatment and can have irritation and itch.