What is Psoriasis and How Does it Effect The Human Body?

Psoriasis is a disease that plagues the immune system with wrong signals that tell portions of the body need new skin cells. This makes a scaly appearance over your body and may result in red blotches and discomfort. Five types of psoriasis is inverse, pustular, erythrodermic, guttate and the most prevalent plaque which gives a silvery look. Plaque usually affects the body or legs but can also happen on knees, hands or heels. With psoriasis the effects of it differ with each person, psoriasis takes a psychological tole differently with each person. It’s not about pain but the look of infections on your body or nails.

by psoriasis pictures

A new study may help explain why ultraviolet light therapy and vitamin D creams work well for many patients. As what study researcher Jurgen Schauber, MD, of Ludwig-Maximillian University in Munich, Germany, tells WebMD, vitamin D-based treatments increase the binding of a peptide called cathelicidin to DNA, which, in turn, inhibits the inflammatory response that triggers psoriasis. The finding may one day lead to better treatments for the painful skin condition that specifically target cathelicidin.

If you have psoriasis or is learning about it, then you would be quite familiar with methotrexate as it is one of the systemic medications that has been approved by the FDA to treat a severe case. It is known to aid in reducing any symptoms that are painful for those with psoriatic arthritis and it inhibits the enzyme which makes all infected cells have a rapid growth. You can check out WebMD, PubMed, FDA, Humira, PMID, or any gov site and learn about methotrexate to see that it is one of the top therapies you would find in dermatology clinics because of its efficacy as exhibited in clinic trials. Be wary though as you should not take this if you have a chronic liver disease, an abnormal kidney, diabetes, the rare cancer lymphoma, high toxicity levels, reduced number of white blood cells, trying to conceive, immunodeficiency syndrome, or infectious illness.