Hair Loss Products For Temporarily Thinning Hair |

Temporary Hair Loss Treatments

Both genders can suffer from loss of hair at any time in their life and it can be a very daunting prospect when the media focuses on looks so deeply. Everywhere you look today, there are products to help with certain ailments – although you must be able to determine between those products that are for cosmetic use (for example supermarket ‘thickening’ shampoo) and for medical purposes (for example ‘medicated’ shampoo). This article is not aimed at listing the best hair loss products, it is merely directed at giving you one quick bit of advice when choosing the most suitable hair loss solution for you.

Best Hair Loss Solution

Many causes of hair loss and balding are now known and, following years of medical trials and product development, there are many treatments available both on prescription and over the counter and there are also ones to avoid, keep your eye out for those that make miracle claims – they probably are unfounded and unlikely so be sensible and don’t let the easiness of buying on the internet cloud your own trusted judgement. Only you know which are best for you, and if you are really unsure then visit your Doctor, Pharmacist or Dermatologist (if your problem is the scalp).

Hair loss product reviews can be found on the internet if you are unsure as to the best hair loss solution that suits your individual needs. When doing your research, select a trusted internet site such as the American Food and Drug Association (United States), or the National Health Service (United Kingdom). The sites often can offer you advice, or contact with somebody that can help you further.

Natural Hair Loss Treatments

There are even solutions that are largely based on herbal remedies, such as Gingko Biloba which has been used for years for many different reasons, one of which being the symptoms of thinning hair. Just how much a herbal remedy can actually do is quite limited, but herbal treatments are fast becoming very popular as drug-free hair loss treatments and could help with very minor problems.

Most of the known causes of hair loss and balding are below, some are quite rare and have not been included in this list:

Radiation (including chemotherapy)

Very high levels of radiation are known to cause hair loss. The controlled levels of radiation that the body is subjected to during treatment for cancer cause most patients to lose their hair although this is temporary. When the patient is in remission and the treatment stops, hair begins to grow back.

Illness, disease and serious injury (this includes pregnancy and stress and infectious diseases)

High levels of physical and mental stress will cause varying degrees of hair loss or thinning. Seek advice from your doctor if you have not already done so – the cause of the stress is most important here.

Hormonal Imbalances

These can normally be treated using more effective prescription drugs. Over the counter drugs should be avoided without first seeking assistance as the effectiveness of the drugs you are taking already may be affected by ingredients hidden in your chosen hair loss treatment.

Aging and hereditary genes

We cannot prevent the aging process, nor can we delete a gene we have already inherited, but you can improve upon what you have been passed down from your family. You can decide on radical cosmetic treatments and hair replacement, or you can select herbal or over the counter remedies. Be sure to investigate your chosen surgeon before choosing any drastic measures, you cannot always expect total hair regrowth although some surgeons do claim this to be the case for a certain percentage of their clients – you may not fall under this percentage, so again be wise.