How Effective Phototherapy Is When It Comes To Psoriasis …

Phototherapy is also known as light therapy and it is known as a good way of treating a person with psoriasis and it is done regularly with the affected skin exposed to ultraviolet rays. The whole set of treatments would be done under expert supervision and involves using a unit made for just this task and is administered in most skin clinics that offer such treatments. You can also try and go for the artificial UVB phototherapy and it is a higher form of the rays that you get from sunlight. With this one, the UVB will go straight to your skin which slows the spread of the sick cells.

by psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis is a skin condition due to rapid overgrowth of skin cells. It is an auto-immune disorder of the skin. This is one of the most common skin conditions today. People with psoriasis often seek medical help for treatments that will boost the immune system and minimize the signs and symptoms of the illness. There is a vaccine currently in development that inhibits the immune system’s response that triggers psoriasis. More information can be found in Patients with psoriasis often use medications such as Tazarotene and Stelara. These 2 medications are effective in combatting the signs and symptoms of psoriasis. Drowsiness is the most common adverse reaction reported by people using these drugs.

A new study may help explain why ultraviolet light therapy and vitamin D creams work well for many patients. As what study researcher Jurgen Schauber, MD, of Ludwig-Maximillian University in Munich, Germany, tells WebMD, vitamin D-based treatments increase the binding of a peptide called cathelicidin to DNA, which, in turn, inhibits the inflammatory response that triggers psoriasis. The finding may one day lead to better treatments for the painful skin condition that specifically target cathelicidin.

Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis ( ( is part of a class of auto immune disorders that cause body-wide patches of itchiness, inflammation, and plaques. It currently has no cure, according to WebMD, but offers several methods of treating it and therapies used to treat psoriasis that have been shown to offer some improvement in the manifestations of most psoriatic diseases. Psoriasis Begone is particularly informative about what causes it. Stelara, Dermatol, Humira, corticosteroid injections and creams, and UVA UVB phototherapy have all shown a high degree of efficacy in reducing itching and are approved by the FDA. Pubmed states that nearly 92% of all patients diagnosed with psoriasis receive a prescription treatment for it.