Hi All – Psoriasis Forum

Hello Amy Welcome to Psoriasis Club

Yes we understand how you feel, and you will find us a small but friendly group. Smile

You are going the right way seeing a dermatologist, they will be able to work with you to find what is best suited. I wouldn’t be to worried about the side affects, as things have moved on a lot in the past few years and your dermatologist will keep a good eye on you.

There is no magic pill at the moment, but there are lots of new things in the pipeline. If your dermatologist is already talking about a bio treatment then they are obviously keeping up to date.

They do still usually try Methotrexate first, one because of costs and it’s a proven treatment that can work, and two because the funding doesn’t usually allow a move from creams to bio without first trying the cheaper alternatives first.

These threads may help:

Don’t hesitate to ask questions, if we can help we will.

