How long until final result after mole removal? | Seattle WA

How long until final result after mole removal?

Hi Dr, I was wondering how long does it take to reach the final result after mole removal? I saw pictures of mole removals on the realself website and it look like you did good work. The scars of the patient were small thin almost unrecognizable lines. I had one removed 3 months ago and it is still red and stands out. I just want it to reach its final result so I can stop thinking about it cause it bothers me and stresses me out. I wanted to know how long after were the after mole removal pictures taken? It would help ease my mind a lot thank you



Hi M,

Thank you for commenting on my “good work”. I do a lot of cosmetic mole removals and I always have a long discussion with the patient about healing time BEFORE we do the removal. It can take months for the redness and scar to resolve and look good. The photos on RealSelf that you saw were taken at 12 months and 3 years after the surgery. I comment to patients that at 2 months, you may very well be saying “why did I do this, it looks worse than the mole”. BUT, let me reassure you. In 90% of cases, the redness clears and the scar improves greatly and the cosmetic result is nice. It can take 4-12 months for that good end-point. So I hope this eases your mind.

I would give it another month, and then if the redness is still present, or the scar is not looking good, I would recommend that you 1. Talk to the doctor that removed the mole and see if they will see you – it is always good to let the physician that did the work know how things are going. He/She may have a laser or other options to improve scars. After you do that, you can 2. Always make an appointment here at Pacific Dermatology & Cosmetic Center and I would be happy to look at the scar and see if we can improve it, or at least reassure you that it will get better. I have many lasers (Vbeam, Fraxel, CO2) that can improve scars.

Thanks for the inquiry – and I hope this helps.

Dr Reichel


Jennifer Reichel MD

Director, Pacific Dermatology & Cosmetic Center

11011 Meridian Ave N Ste 102

Seattle WA, 98133



This entry was posted
on Thursday, June 13th, 2013 at 6:39 pm and is filed under Other Cosmetic Questions.
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