The Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness And Treatments – Marbo Hair

The Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness And Treatments

Hair loss is a condition that affects men and women equally. Male pattern baldness is the term that refers to male hair loss. Thinner hair is the first symptom that appears. It is not easy for the person that experiences it, since the appearance changes.

The Causes Of Male Pattern Baldness And TreatmentsPatients affected with classic pattern baldness usually lose their hair in a defined pattern. The hair starts to fall above the temples and at the crown of the head. Influence of androgens causes follicles in the temporal, frontal and vertex area of the scalp to show a shortening of the Anagen phase, followed by miniaturization of the hair follicles. This impact the hairs in Anagen phase and the duration of Anagen diminishes in areas affected by Androgenetic alopecia which results in shorter hairs. This type of balding is known by the term “Hippocratic balding” and it may sometimes progress to complete baldness.

This condition is caused by male hormones. Hair follicles convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Hair follicles become more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, causing the hair follicles to shrink. Male-pattern baldness is genetically determined and this type of baldness is also known by the name androgenic alopecia, which is inherited sensitivity to the effects of androgens (male hormones) on scalp hair follicles which causes them to shrink and prevents them from producing hair normally.

Patients usually experience this condition in their post-pubertal period and it starts with miniaturizing of the hair follicles, especially on the scalp center and over the temple. There often begin to grow small, fine hairs that are often difficult to see. This process is due to the metabolism of testosterone by an enzyme in the hair follicle. Hair follicles over the ears and around the posterior of the scalp do not possess this enzyme so a fringe of normal hair is maintained.

Hair loss that male population suffers from is associated with several medical conditions including coronary heart disease and enlargement of the prostate, as well as disorders of insulin resistance, like diabetes and obesity and high blood pressure. In most cases, men have some type of baldness by the time they are in their 60s, but the age when the hair loss starts is variable.

Approved treatments for male pattern baldness are minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil is a solution that you apply directly to the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles. It also slows hair loss for many men, and some men grow new hair. Hair loss returns when you stop using this medicine. Finasteride is a pill that interferes with the production of a certain male hormone linked to baldness. It slows hair loss, but the condition returns when you stop using this medicine. These treatments are used to stop hair falling. It is easier to maintain remaining hair than to regrow them, which leads to the importance of prevention. Watch what you eat, drink plenty of water in order for nutrients to spread and avoid smoking and other bad habits in order to decrease the chances for developing this condition.
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