Hair Loss Types You May Not Be Familiar With – Marbo Hair

Hair Loss Types You May Not Be Familiar With

Many people around the world get affected with some type of hair loss at least once in their lifetime. You might be suffering from hair loss if you noticed some changes in the overall condition of your hair. Consult with a dermatologist in order to be sure about the type of hair loss and the treatment that you should apply and find out the cause of hair loss first. If the hair loss is related to stress, for example, you may want to get a different type of treatment when opposed to hair loss caused by nutrition.

Hair Loss Types You May Not Be Familiar WithYou will find lots of recommendations available, no matter what it the reason for hair loss and there are a variety of options available depending on the severity of your condition if you are interested in pursuing treatment for hair loss. Circatricial alopecia is one of the hair loss types. It is a type of scarring alopecia and it refers to a group of rare hair disorders resulting from a condition that damages the scalp and hair follicle.  The disorders destroy the hair follicle and replace the follicles with a scar tissue, causing permanent hair loss in time.

There are some autoimmune diseases associated with circatricial alopecia and those are: discoid lupus erythematosus, scalp trauma, infections such as tuberculosis and syphilis, and radiation therapy. Adults and children can be affected with this condition in the form of primary or secondary circatricial alopecia. It presupposes constant destruction of hair follicles and their replacement by connecting tissue. Usually, cicatrices are not as visible as in case of healing wounds and they result in disappearance of apertures of hair follicles and the scalp becomes smooth and brilliant. The skin can remain soft and elastic though sometimes there may be callosities.

Involutional alopecia comes with age and it results in thinning of the hair. It is caused by a shortened phase of hair growth, which leads to a higher rate of fall-out and thinning of the hair follicle. Many health conditions can also lead to thinning hair and thus can cause hair loss in women and men. Male pattern baldness affects only male population and it is one more hair loss condition. It is a concern of many people, but the good news is that the latest inventions and technologies allow finding different methods for hair regrowth for men.

It is known as androgenic alopecia and it is a state when the hair starts to fall where they normally grow. It may be the most common type of baldness and it affects adult males. The condition can be manifested in different forms. Alopecia areata causes hair loss only in some areas of the head. Alopecia totalis causes hair loss from the entire head and there is the most extreme form that includes complete hair loss from the entire body – alopecia universalis. The important thing is not to give up, because you can achieve results only with continuous treatments.

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