Here we go…: Updates from 38 weeks and 4 days doctor's …

*Disclaimer: Pictures of a kidney stone and stretch marks further down.  Feel free to skip this post!  :)

I had my last doctor’s appointment before Maggie’s arrival this morning.

Here are the updates:

Blood pressure: 120/72 – clearly, I am not suffering from gestational hypertension this time around.  Turns out…it doesn’t matter so much in regards to the end of this pregnancy.

Weight gain: nothing.  I’m stuck at the same 1/2 lb less that I was at last week.  This leaves me at a total weight gain of about 17 lbs (8 lbs less than I gained with Nora).

Maggie’s heart rate, fundal height, and blood glucose: all good.  Yay!

As I posted after the last appointment, the doctor and I “discussed” induction at 39 weeks (meaning he scared the fool out of me about having a huge baby who might get stuck on the way out…to devastating consequences, and then told me I was having an induction this Thursday).

Want to know how “prepared” my body was when I was induced with Nora at 38 weeks?

2 cm dilated; 50% effaced.

Want to know how “prepared” my body is for induction with Maggie this Thursday at 39 weeks?

0 cm dilated; 50% effaced.

So all of those “practice” contractions…and all of that pressure…and all of that walking 2-4 miles per day since May 3…and all of that spicy food and pineapple over the last few days…..

Worthless.  From what I have read, I am a terrible candidate for a “successful” induction.

To make matters worse, of the five doctors in the practice that I go to, I love one of them, like three of them, and hate hate hate the last one.

Wanna guess who the doctor on call for Thursday is?

Yep.  The doctor I cannot stand.

And as if all of this wasn’t enough for a very pregnant woman to be facing right now….after waking up with excruciating back pain Saturday evening (pain that I could barely breathe through), I passed a rather large kidney stone Saturday morning at 3:30 am, and I’ve been passing smaller ones on and off ever since.

Wanna see the stone?  I actually caught this one.

You know you do.

When I mentioned them to the doctor, they just told me that they wouldn’t impact labor, and that I would probably want to see a urologist some time after Maggie was born.  Fabulous.  Just fabulous.

So, here is where all of that leaves us:
– I have to go in Wednesday night for the induction, rather than Thursday morning.
– I am really frustrated that my body is not at all ready.
– I am really hoping there aren’t more big stones in my kidneys right now.  I’m actually even more frustrated that this stone came from my left kidney…whereas all previous stones have come from my right kidney.  This means my left kidney is now up to no good. 
– I’m trying to finish some stuff up at work today, as I don’t plan on coming in tomorrow, and I don’t know what time I’ll have to head to the hospital on Wednesday.

Other random updates (since I skipped the 38 week post last Thursday):
– Maggie is still very active.  She is head down (like she has been since at least 20 weeks), but she is not engaged like Nora was beginning at 34 weeks.
– I’ve had almost no swelling, and I can still wear my wedding rings.  :)
– Cravings – nothing.  Nothing actually sounds good right now.
– Mood – apprehensive about induction again (even more so now that I know my body isn’t ready), but trying to keep things as normal as possible for Nora’s sake.
– Stretch marks?  UGH.  None with Nora.  Maggie is making up for it.  (and yes, cocoa butter has been applied, along with various other products.  Nothing works.  They itch, and they hurt…and they are UGLY).

 On a lighter note, people like to marvel that I don’t look pregnant from behind….what do you guys think?  :)

Shocking, right?  :)

I’ll update sometime after Maggie’s arrival.  Here we go…..