Axillary Hyperhidrosis Laser Treatment | How Do I Stop Sweating

(1888PressRelease) Dr. Edwin Ishoo’s technique, Laser-assisted Axillary Sweat Termination (L.A.S.T) method, uses the Smartlipo Triplex to destroy and remove the sweat glands from the armpits.

Marshfield, MA – Dr. Edwin Ishoo of Boston Cosmetic Surgery Center is pioneering the use of the Smartlipo Triplex system to treat axillary hyperhidrosis in New England. The technologically advanced system is intended to provide a gentle, minimally invasive and permanent alternatives for treatment of excessive underarm sweating, a medical condition known as “severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis”.

Approximately 1.4% of the population or about 4 million people in the U.S. are affected by significant excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), usually involving the palms, the armpits, the soles of the feet, and sometimes the face. Axillary hyperhidrosis is a common but difficult-to-treat medical condition with major social, labor, and emotional consequences affecting work productivity, daily activities, emotional well-being and personal relationships. Clothing becomes damp and unsightly and must be changed several times a day. Wet skin folds are prone to irritating rashes. Because of this problem, people often shun social contact.

Generally antiperspirants are the first-line treatments for hyperhidrosis, but these frequently fail. Up until now, one of the only minimally invasive procedures to help stop sweating was through the use of Botox