Treatment For Hemorrhoids – External Hemorrhoids Cure


Looking for a good

can be a frustrating experience. Mainly because you’re usually in a lot of pain and you grab the first thing you can get your hands on at the store.treatment for hemorrhoids

There’s a

treatment for hemorrhoids

that almost everyone has tried at least once or twice before, but which one gives the best results?

Did you know that there are literally dozens of products for the

treatment for hemorrhoids?

It’s a big business and I’ll tell you why.

People are in such a hurry today. That’s one reason we have problems and on top of that, we have a terrible diet. (See the BEST ALL Natural Way To Treat Hemorrhoids)

Most foods we eat are full of processed items that only cause our stool to be more difficult to get out. Then, because we’re in such a hurry, we don’t give our body a chance to expel the waste in a relaxed state.

The typical American barely gets enough fruits, vegetables and natural roughage in their diet to support not getting hemorrhoids. Couple that with the extra weight they carry around and you’ve got the recipe for hemorrhoids!

Hemorrhoid treatment would not be needed if we ate and functioned the way we were designed. But, as you know, most of us are in a hurry to go somewhere…

Once you develop hemorrhoids, they don’t usually go away completely unless you take necessary steps to help them.

doctorsBoth conventional and alternative practitioners consider diet the best treatment for hemorrhoids. A diet rich in high-fiber foods and low in processed foods is essential.

Increasing fluid intake to six to eight eight-ounce glasses a day also is important. Dietary changes will be needed even if you took medication or had surgery.

Most hemorrhoid treatments only minimize pain and itching. Warm sitz baths are the most time-honored and often suggested therapy. Sit in about three inches of warm water for 15 minutes, several times a day, especially after a bowel movement.

This reduces the swelling in the area and relaxes spasm of the sphincter muscle. If you are pregnant, this may be too difficult, so check with your doctor before proceeding.

If you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, a high-fiber diet combined with sitz baths and acetaminophen often reduces discomfort within two weeks.

If your symptoms persist, your physician may suggest one of the following procedures: Treatment for External Hemorrhoids

  • Injection. An internal hemorrhoid can be injected with a solution that creates a scar and closes off the hemorrhoid. The injection hurts, as any injection does.
  • Banding. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are often removed using a “rubber-band” ligation. A special tool secures a tiny rubber band around the hemorrhoid, shutting off its blood supply. Within a week, the hemorrhoid shrivels and falls off.
  • Coagulationor cauterization. Using either an electric probe, a laser beam, or an infrared light, a tiny burn painlessly seals the end of the hemorrhoid, causing it to close off and shrink. This is most useful for “prolapsed” hemorrhoids.
  • Surgery. For large internal hemorrhoids or extremely uncomfortable external hemorrhoids (such as thrombosed hemorrhoids that are too painful to live with), your doctor may suggest traditional surgery, called a “hemorrhoidectomy.”

external hemorrhoidsThe success rate for hemorrhoid removal approaches 95%, but unless dietary and lifestyle changes are made, hemorrhoids may recur again, even after enduring the pain and recovery time.

Treatment for hemorrhoids using only “over the counter” drugs, (creams and salves) is not a real long term solution. It may give a very temporal relief to an inflamed hemorrhoid, but the best solution and cure will not be realized.

There is a better way to treat hemorrhoids. It’s an all natural treatment that has proven to be most successful, whether you have internal or external hemorrhoids. It’s called HemRid. (See more here).

Any good treatment for hemorrhoids will include an internal approach since it’s the veins that need treating as well.

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