Ways to Treat Childrens Eczema « Tired All The Time?

Eczema sufferers are believed to have a problem with their immune system which causes the condition but as yet no-one has discovered how this occurs. The usual trigger for the condition is an allergen which the skin is sensitive too, which results in the rash that is so often seen. Baby eczema is a rash seen on their face which gradually gets worse unless treated, eventually becoming causing cracking and flaking. In the USA, it can affect anything between 10 and 20 percent of infants.

In the majority of these cases, the condition resolves by the time they reach two years of age. Unfortunately in a few children do not get over this problem and continue to suffer with it when they are adults. This is primarily a condition suffered by babies and young children although it can affect someone of any age. Unfortunately most people have suffered with this since they were at least five years of age but around 33 percent will have contracted the condition by the time they reached their first birthday.

Seen as a red, itchy and scaly rash, baby eczema is usually of the more common atopic eczema variety. Moisturizing a baby’s skin can help prevent atopic eczema but this skin condition does run in families. Detergents can also trigger the condition in babies but so can fabric conditioners as well. In some instances it would seem that breastfeeding seems to protect the child from baby eczema as opposed to those mothers who stop this practice prematurely.

Although asthma triggers could also include other respiratory problems and medical conditions. Babies can also be more likely to have a problem if they already suffer from rhinitis, have food allergies or whose mother has an asthma condition. Specialists in food allergies believe that up to 3 cases in ten of childhood cases are because the child has a food allergy,discovering the foodstuffs responsible should be a relatively simple matter, which once this is done, can be removed from the diet completely. However simple this actually is, belies the time it might take to find the food group by trial and error,

Sea and freshwater fishFood containing milkBreadProducts containing eggs that contain peanuts

Baby eczema is often the result of antibiotics given to the baby when it is born, as many doctors will attest. Infants, in particular babies with the condition need to be washed gently in lukewarm water using proprietary lubricating creams.Once they have dried, they need to be dressed in soft natural clothing made from cotton. Keeping the baby’s finger nails short is an important point not to overlook as they can inadvertently scratch inflamed skin making the situation worse. Antihistamines to ease the itching sensation can be prescribed by a pediatrician in more severe cases of baby eczema,steroid creams can also be used for a short period to help heal the skin. This is a difficult medical condition to not only control but overcome despite being a common complaint.

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