Antibiotics linked to eczema in babies – Nutrition & Healing

Are popular drugs saddling millions of babies with eczema?

Do you know what newborn babies and New York City have in common? They both never seem to sleep. And if your baby is dealing with the itchy, raw skin of eczema, you’re no stranger to watching your child fuss, fidget, and scratch night after night in a desperate and heartbreaking bid for relief.

If you’re infant has been struggling with the constant discomfort of eczema, it’s time to stop blaming bad luck or bad genes — and start blaming bad medicine.

According to a large new study out of London, over-prescribed antibiotics may have saddled countless children around the world with the misery of eczema, which often lasts into adulthood. The next time your youngster is pawing fruitlessly at his swollen, cracked and crusted skin, know there’s a good chance our “friends” in Big Pharma are to blame.

The new research analyzed 20 studies on prenatal and infant prescription drug use, and found that children who were prescribed antibiotics during their first year of life saw their risk of eczema skyrocket by a shocking 40%! Common, broad-spectrum antibiotics like amoxicillin seemed to cause the most damage.

If this news is making your stomach turn, that’s nothing compared to the full-scale gut assault our babies are enduring. Researchers believe antibiotics are unleashing mass murder on our infant’s intestines, killing off millions of microbes they need to fight off nasty illnesses and maintain healthy immune systems.

The message of the study is crystal clear — when it comes to kids, stop treating antibiotics like candy. These serious medications carry powerful side effects, and shouldn’t have a role as a first line of defense in medical treatment.

If your infant is suffering through a course of antibiotics, it’s time to get your pediatrician on the horn and talk to him about alternatives as soon as possible. And while you’re at it get under his skin for a change — and talk to him about the possibility of using probiotics to help reverse some of the damage he may have caused.

Antibiotics in infancy linked to eczema: (