Things You Need To Know About Acid Reflux | Natural Remedies For

Severe discomfort, often described as a burning or stinging sensation, is the hallmark of acid reflux. Acid reflux can be so painful you cannot function. You can experience acid reflux for many reasons, and there are many ways to help stop it. Keep reading to learn more.

Eat dinner about 3 hours prior to bed. This can help you to process your food and digest it better. Lying down makes it easier for that stomach acid to move upward. If you’re up for a couple of hours before bed, you can digest your food.

Sometimes, pregnant women develop acid reflux during gestation. As your baby grows, it crowds the stomach. This can cause stomach acids to backup into the esophagus. You can control symptoms greatly by consuming only foods that are low in acid and low in fat. If this fails, certain types of tea can help buffer stomach acid without causing harm to your baby.

Avoid overly restrictive clothing. Things like pantyhose, belts and waistbands should not be too tight. It is best to wear some comfortable clothes. As a result, acid reflux can occur. Don’t wear clothing that has a tight waistband.

Acid Reflux

Do not drink alcohol if you want to live free of acid reflux. It has two major effects on your body; it increases the amount of acid in your stomach and it destroys your stomach lining, both of which exacerbate acid reflux. If you are having a night out with your friends, limit the amount you drink, unless you would like to feel bad once you arrive home.

Lose weight. Extra weight, particularly around the belly, boosts your chances of having problems with acid reflux. Having extra fat can put too much pressure on your mid-section and increase the odds of experiencing reflux. Sometimes, losing even a few pounds will make a big difference.

Do not drink when you are eating a meal. Having too much liquid in your stomach causes pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter, making your acid reflux worse. When this happens, stomach acid moves upward and damages your esophageal lining.

Exercise moderately to help get your acid reflux under control. Don’t overdo it! Try not to exercise rigorously, as this can actually exacerbate your symptoms. These exercises allow gravity to aid in your digestion. Losing weight can also help with heartburn.

Acid Reflux

Are you pregnant? If so, then your baby’s weight may be putting additional pressure on your stomach, causing acid reflux. If you think this is happening, get in touch with your doctor so that he or she can determine what you need to do to relieve your acid reflux without putting your baby in danger.

Give slippery elm lozenges a try. The active ingredient, slippery elm bark, protects the lining of your digestive tract. When it is in lozenges, it relieves the coughing that comes with acid reflux and it soothes throat irritation. You can find these lozenges at most natural and health food stores.

The acidity of the food you eat really doesn’t affect the pH level. Lemons, while acidic foods, are alkaline once digestion takes place. This sounds confusing if you are an acid reflux sufferer. Know about the pH levels of the foods you like.

Acid Reflux

People with acid reflux should always avoid foods that trigger attacks. Fried and fat filled foods, alcohol, citrus, and other foods can cause acid reflux. Everyone has different triggers, so if some of these items don’t bother you, you can keep enjoying them.

Acid reflux is unpleasant, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Acid reflux will go away when you take the necessary steps to rid yourself of it. There are lots of preventative measures and precautions you may take to keep acid reflux away. Use the suggestions from this article to start getting relief today.

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