Have Acid Reflux? Feel A Lot Better Through These Tips

What are the definition of acid reflux? What can cause of it? What can aggravate the symptoms to become worse? What can you do to help make them to go away? Where do you find the answers I am looking for? The article below provides an excellent foundation for learning all about acid reflux so you can help.

Eat your last meal of the day many hours prior to bed. The acid in your stomach when you are awake and upright. Laying down can cause acid to come back up.

This will help you cope with hunger pangs since you’re more likely to experience thirst than hunger. Also, if you drink outside of eating times, stopping acid from leaking into your esophagus.

Acid Reflux

Some foods are more prone to causing acid reflux. Fried foods, caffeinated beverages, chocolate, and even chocolate are common triggers for acid reflux. Citrus fruits and other acidic vegetables like tomatoes are also possible causes. The triggers are different with everyone, meaning that you’ll have to learn from experience which ones cause discomfort and which do not. Just avoid all these completely to be extra safe.

Chew some cinnamon flavored gum after meals. The chewing causes increased saliva production. Saliva helps to neutralize the mix of the stomach. Chewing also makes you swallow more, which cleans the throat of acids that come up from the stomach. Fruit gum can be used as well. Mint gums can relax the esophagus’s sphincter and worsen symptoms.

If you’re active and you notice reflux symptoms following strenuous activities, there could be a simple fix. Water helps keep you stay hydrated. This will also help you with your food.Using water to assist in your stomach.

Acid Reflux

Losing weight can definitely help your acid reflux. Obesity is a main cause of the most common contributing factors to acid reflux. Just losing ten percent of weight can help. Weight loss can be achieved through smaller portion sizes, not through crash diets.

Certain foods are known to trigger acid reflux symptoms. You must limit the amounts of these foods infrequently. Try to avoid coffee, tomatoes, foods that are spicy or hot, tomatoes, beverages that are carbonated, milk, fatty fast food, and acidic fruit juices.

Now that you read this article, you know all about acid reflux. Learn your triggers and be determined to avoid them. Use these tips and you will feel much better soon.