Can Carrots Improve Eyesight | Vision Without Glasses

A native of Asia, the goji berry has been prized for centuries for aiding in general health and well-being. The highest quality goji berry is Himalayan, but many other varieties, including those grown in Western China, Mongolia and Tibet also have powerful effects. There are many types of goji berry, and in Tibet alone, there are 40 different varieties. The best goji products use goji berries that have the active ingredients, Polysaccharides, which facilitate the communication between cells. These products have been tested through cellular analysis to ensure that the highest quality goji berries are used. Imagine a small red berry, about the size of a grape, growing on a vine in the hills of Tibet and Inner Mongolia. A small red berry that harvesters are careful to avoid touching with their bare hands so as not to oxidise the flesh of the fruit. It is just a small red berry containing more amino acids than bee pollen, more protein than whole wheat and more beta-carotene than carrots. A little red berry that will dry to the size of a currant in the shade of the mountains within which it has grown before being exported across the globe to those who have only recently, despite its 2000year plus traditional history, discovered it. Goji comes in many forms these days, including juice, goji bars, goji cream and goji capsules. An excellent tea can be made from goji leaves and goji flowers are decorative and beautiful. It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that they shared their wisdom with the ancient herbalists of China, Tibet, and India. One of their most prized secrets was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Those who came there to learn took the goji home with them and planted it in their own valleys, thus spreading the legend of this most marvelous and healthful fruit. Goji is packed with anti-oxidants, powerful molecules that mop up free radicals before they can damage body cells. In Chinese trials, goji shut down cell aging in as little as six hours after the first dose. The credit goes to goji’s poly-saccharides. They boost the body’s production of human growth hormone, which helps build toned muscle and repair skin cells. Experts say sipping of goji juice daily for as little as three weeks, improves your immune system’s ability to fend off infections. How? Goji’s amino acids and minerals trigger a 300% boost in white blood cell function and double production of infection-fighting proteins. Goji’s polysaccharides actually make viruses more visible to the immune cells that are trying to destroy them. Research has shown that many of the world’s longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that may just be the world’s most powerful food – the goji berry. It is interesting to have a look at what the plant contains: 1. Contains 19 amino acids — the building blocks of protein — including nine that essential to the body. 2. Contains 21 trace minerals. 3. Contains more protein than whole wheat 4. Contains Vitamin C at higher levels than oranges. 5. Contains complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene (a better source than even carrots) and zeaxanthin (protects the eyes). Goji berries are among the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods. 6. Contains Solavetivone, a powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial compound. 7. Contains essential fatty acids, which are required for the body’s production of hormones and the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system. 8. Contains Beta-Sitosterol, an anti-inflammatory agent. The fruit is eaten either fresh or dried and can be added to cooking, cereals, trail mixes or smoothies as well as being eaten alone. The flavor of the Goji berry is difficult to describe ? sweet with a slight tartness (similar to a cranberry but sweeter). Incredibly high in iron, Goji berries are exceptionally nutrient rich. They are especially high in Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 and B6, and contain considerably more Vitamin C than an orange. The Goji berry has also been found to contain other complex compounds, such as Betaine (useful for improving liver function and reputed to enhance memory), Solavetivone (a compound containing anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties), and Beta-Sitoserol (an anti-inflammatory agent that may also help in the treatment of hypertension). An average daily serving of a cup of dried Goji berries would also contain 4grams each of dietary fiber and protein. Wolfberry fruits contain phytochemicals with antioxidant activity and could slow the ageing process. A study showed that wolfberry fruit phytochemicals help to prevent oxidation of DNA and helps to restore damaged DNA. Studies suggest that wolfberry extracts could inhibit DNA mutation and stop the growth of cancer cells. All studies show that regression of many types of cancer could be obtained with patients, treated with LAK/IL-2 and LBP. The phytochemical zeaxanthin dipalmitate showed a hepaprotective effect on liver cells treated with carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity. Wolfberry fruits have traditionally been used in China to improve vision disorders such as cataracts, retinopathy and macular degeneration. Studies have shown that wolfberry reduce dark adapting time and improve vision under subdued light. This action may be attributed to the phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin, which neutralizes the free radicals formed by sunlight. Goji berries grow naturally wild and in profusion in the remote ills and valleys of the Himalayas of Tibet and Inner Mongolia and can be harvested with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Can carrots improve eyesight or just prevent blindness?
    If carrots can improve eyesight, can they restore my eyesight if i wear glasses?

    • ANSWER:
      The reason you can’t see clearly without glasses is because your eyeball is either too short or too long (lengthwise, from front to back). If it’s too short, you’ll be farsighted. If it’s too long, you’ll be nearsighted. (We’re talking about minor changes in length here.) If the front surface of the eye is not perfectly spherical, you’ll have astigmatism. Now, that’s a 15 second course in Optometry, and why you need glasses. Vitamin A has absolutely no effect on the length of the eye, and can not change your prescription. Anyone who says otherwise is giving you erroneous information. Vitamin A CAN help improve night vision slightly, particularly if the poor night vision is being caused by a vitamin A shortage. If you eat yellow vegetables such as carrots, squash or pumpkin, you’ll get sufficient vitamin A to meet your needs. Be VERY careful not to start gulping down Vitamin A capsules; it is the ONE vitamin that can actually damage you if you take too much. It should never be taken as straight Vitamin A; it should ONLY be consumed as Beta Carotene, which is the substance that gives carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, etc., it’s yellow color. Don’t take more than what’s recommended on the bottle. Unlike so many vitamins that simply get washed away in your urine, Vitamin A does not. And you can build up excessive levels that can hurt you. But you’ll still need glasses. Nothing (except Lasik surgery) can fix that.

      By the way, Mitul, the Vitamin A didn’t cause improvement in your eyesight. Your eyeball simply stretched out a little longer as it grew. Are you a young person who is still growing? (Eyeballs can grow, but they can’t shrink, which is why you can improve farsightedness as you grow, but not nearsightedness.)

    Is there any way to naturally improve your eyesight?
    Something free. I’ve heard that eating carrots improves your eyesight… is that just an old wives tale? I’ve heard a variation that it only improves seeing in the dark too.

    I’ve heard about “eye exercises” but it sounds like BS to me.

    I’m very near-sighted with astigmatism if that makes any difference.

    • ANSWER:
      I can’t really answer about *improving* your eyesight (I am also extremely nearsighted), but I did want to share a relaxing eye exercise I was told about when I was younger that I still practice to this day. If you are like me and have to look through strong prescription lenses all day, you probably know how nice it feels to take off your glasses, like when you go to bed, or wash your face, or shower. The exercise is, take 5 or 10 minutes out of your day to sit down, or lie down, without your glasses on. Cover your eyes for 5 or 10 minutes, and just feel the muscles relax. Looking through glasses all day forces your eyes to adjust to a new shape… but not their natural shape (as horrible as your vision may be with that natural shape). So let your eyes relax and have a break for 10 minutes. Don’t let any light in. After covering them for 5-10 minutes, uncover them. Leave your glasses off, and take a look around the room. Now try to identify every colour of the rainbow. Look around until you find something vibrantly red. Now orange. Next, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink. With your own unaided eyes colours appear more bright and visible.

      I did hear of a way to PREVENT nearsightedness, particularly among children… check out the website: It’s quite “anti eye-care-business”, but it’s worth considering.

      Hope this was helpful!

    What is in carrots that improves vision?
    Like what ingredient or mineral or vitamin is in carrots that improves eyesight? In what other foods can you find that ingredient?

    • ANSWER:
      Beta Carotene is broken down into retinol (a form of vitamin A). This does not improve vision, but is good for the health of your eyes.

      Preformed vitamin A, or retinol, is found in:
      Egg Yolk
      Oily fish such as:

      Whole Milk

      Good Sources of Beta Carotene include:
      Yellow and dark green leafy vegetables (e.g. spinach, broccoli, watercress)
      Herbs such as:

      Sweet Potatoes
      Red Pepper

    Will juiced carrots and papaya improve my eyesight?
    I’m short sighted. Will juiced carrots and papaya improve my eyesight? What are some food and exercises I can do to improve my eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      No, they won’t. There are no exercises or food that will help.

      Shortsightedness is cause by your eye being too long, preventing your eye from properly focusing the image on your retina. There are those who claim that diet, supplements, eye exercises, palming, and yes, even carrots, can help with this. They don’t. If they did, no one would wear glasses.

      You have two choices – corrective lenses (glasses or contacts), or, if your eyesight has stabilized, surgery.

    What kind of fruits and vegetables can make your eyesight better?
    I know carrots can improve your eyesight. But is there any other kind of fruits and vegetables that can improve your eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      Probably the most well-known nutrient important for improving eye vision is Vitamin A, and it is found as beta-carotene in plants.

      Beta-carotene is abundant in fruits such as apricots and cantaloupes, and in vegetables like carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli and squash.

    Do carrots really strengthen your eye sight?
    I love carrots i eat them all the time. But i have have glasses! it sucks!

    So i want to know if carrots improve your eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      no. carrots have certain minerals that are good for your eye health (so do leafy green vegetables), but that has nothing to do with whether or not you wear glasses. it is more for protecting yourself from degenerative eye diseases when you are older.

    How would i improve my eyesight naturally?
    What about carrots? Is it proven that they can improve eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      You wouldn’t. Poor eyesight is *itself* natural.

      Carrots are worthless when it comes to improving eyesight. Your options are glasses, contacts and laser surgery.

    How many carrots do you have to eat to improve your eyesight?
    Yunno how they always say how carrots have carotene and it helps eyes which results in improved eyesight or whatever
    in reality how many carrots would you have to eat to actually achieve better eyesight?
    im kind of curious to know… you probably have to eat A LOT

    thanks! :)

    • ANSWER:
      carotene help steady the ciliary muscle. Which means u can focus better than before.. And the other this is that carrot can purify blood and gives a smooth skin..I recommend raw carrots for this.. Say 3 carrots is more than enough.. u will see the difference in a week’s time.. trust me… I tried..

      visit my page. i’ve got some more tips too:

    How do I improve my eyesight without using corrective lenses or surgery?
    Hey guys, I’m only 19 years of age and I have really bad eyesight. About 1 year and a half ago, both my eyes were -2.50 each and I have astigmatism on top of that. I’m getting fed up with glasses and I just want to get rid of this nuisance. I also know that eating carrots improving your eye sight is just a myth. Any real way to improve your eyesight ?

    • ANSWER:
      No sorry. The only way you can stop using corrective lenses is to get laser eye surgery but even that is not totally permanent. If you are fed up with glasses try contact lenses.

      -2.50 isnt that bad, i dont know what your cyl is but even so it could be worse, be thankful you have some sight.

    How to naturally improve eyesight?
    Yes this is a commonly asked question, but I’m just seeing the answers for today rather than look at past/old answers. People say to eat carrots, green vegetables, etc, but it doesn’t seem to help much/at all. Is it actually possible to improve eyesight naturally or through exercises?

    • ANSWER:

      The website has 6 easy instructions to natrually improve eyesight. The steps are difficult to explain, but the website providese pictures to show what to do.

    Can eating carrots improve your eyesight?
    I used to have 20/20 vision, but lately, its been…ok. like at school, i couldnt see the board, cuz it looked kinda blurry-ish. soo i was moved to the front…and no one in my family has poor eyesight. oh and i guess im nearsighted?

    so my vision isnt very bad, i can still see well, and will eating carrots improve it? or those eye excercises?

    and im not considering laser…any natural remedies instead?

    thank youuu! <3

    • ANSWER:
      Eating carrots won’t give a nearsighted person 20/20 vision. But carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A — a crucial nutrient for maintaining proper eyesight.

    What are some foods that I can eat to improve my eyesight besides carrots.?
    I heard carrots didnt really improve your eyesight so could you please list some other foods.

    • ANSWER:
      That’s correct , carrots do not actually do anything to improve eyesight, and neither does any other food.

      All foods can do is deliver vitamins, but our eyes get all the vitamins they need from a normal healthy diet. Any extra vitamins in our blood stream is just expelled from the body anyway.

      Eyesight doesn’t diminish because of a vitamin shortage so adding vitamins won’t help.

      Vitamins and minerals are needed for the health of the eyes of course, but the health has nothing to do with being near or farsighted. A normal healthy diet takes care of all the vitamin and mineral needs.

    How to cure eyesight naturally without using laser or anything?
    Okay everyone here’s my problem with my eyesight and hopefully someone who had this experience once just please help me.

    I have been wearing glasses ever since the age of 7 or 8. Right now my power is about 550 or 5.5 or what ever it is.

    I have tried eye exercise and eating a whole carrot everyday and my eyesight is still blurry.

    Even these won’t work for me:

    1. First start with palming.
    Here is how to do :
    – Sit comfortably then put your elbows on a table.
    – Rub your palms to make them warm. Cover your eyes with your palms and
    make sure that no light come through your fingers
    – Breath deeply and remain relaxed during this exercise.

    2. Do swinging to help your eye muscles to gain the flexibility.

    Swinging exercise is known to help minimizing the rigidity of eye muscles. Below is how to improve eyesight through swinging.

    Stand still with your feet slightly apart. Look straight to the front, and do not move your head nor your eyes. From the waist, gently swing your body to the left by lifting your right heal to perform easier movement. Your main attention is to let your eyes go to feel that everything move from the opposite direction of your swing. Go back to the first position then gently swing to the right side with the same method. Be sure to keep breathing and relax your entire body and repeat the swing approximately 20 times.

    3. Sunning to energize your eyes.
    Sunning will develop the eye s ability to see in bright light as well as in darker light condition. You can feel the therapeutic warmth of the sun light that is beneficial to the health of the eyes and the ability to relax them. Before doing sunning, you should be aware the following :
    – Avoid facing directly to the sun. Looking directly to the sun will harm your eyes !
    – Leave your eye glasses and contact lenses while doing this exercise
    – Do the exercises only in early morning or evening.

    Here is how to improve your eyes with sunning :
    – Stand in a shade then close your eyes
    – Let sun light touch your eyelids and forehead
    – Slowly turn your head from side to side
    – Do the exercise for a short time only
    Again, do not stare directly to the sun !

    Complete the exercises with palming.

    4. Blinking. People who do a lot of working on computer, reading or any other close work without sufficient breaks may develop refractory problems. To avoid this do blinking often especially if your eyes feel dry. Blink your eyes rapidly six times then rest for a few minutes. Repeat this exercise four times. In this way your eyes will get moist and also can bring strength to the eye s muscles.

    For best result eye exercises must be combined with eating healthy food. Choose daily menu with sufficient nutrient for the benefit of the eye s health. Consume lots of fish oil, vitamins such as vitamin A and C. Add vitamin E to reduce the risk of developing cataracts and age relating macular degeneration.

    It’s been about 3 months now I have using the procedure above and I see no changes. Please I do not want to use any surgery or laser to cure my eyesight. The title says it all ‘naturally’.

    • ANSWER:
      You see no changes because it doesn’t work. There is no way to “cure” your eyesight without surgery or glasses/contacts. Stop being silly and think about it – if there was a way, do you really think that all the people in the world would still be wearing their glasses? The “Bates Method” (what you seem to be using) is absolute crap and all doctors know it.

    is eating carrots good for your eyes?
    u know what they say about carrots helping to improve eyesight or something, is it true?

    • ANSWER:
      In a sense, yes, carrots can make you see better in the dark as well as in the daylight too.

      Carrots are a fantastic source of Vitamin A (one medium carrot provides ten times the very low RDA of 600mcg) which plays a vital role in eye health. Indeed, it is this very vitamin that transmits what our eyes see to our brain. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to a whole host of vision problems including glaucoma, night blindness and short sightedness.

      Other fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and apricots are also good sources of Vitamin A but it is the carrot that packs the biggest punch. So if you ever struggle to make your kids eat their veg tell them about the amazing visual powers the carrot will give them. You may be exaggerating somewhat but you’re safe in the knowledge that you’re telling the truth.

    Any home remedies to improve eyesight ?
    I really need to start taking care of my eyes more and i would really appreciate if you can tell me an eye excersise or anything to prevent my eyes from worsening. Also does carrot actually work to improve eyesight.

    Thanks :)
    I have also been using optrex dry eye drops do you reccomend this or should i stop.

    • ANSWER:
      As much as I wish I could say otherwise, glasses, contacts, or surgery are the only way to improve your eyesight.
      I’ve been looking for other options for over 20 years since I first had to get glasses and I have found things that improve the health of your eyes (which can help them from getting worse), but they can’t make the actual visual acuity better. Most of them are natural herbs (like Lutein, Bilberry, and Eyebright) and vitamins (A and E among others) that help maintain the health of the eye, but unfortunately couldn’t improve vision. Carrots would fall into a couple of those categories, but still don’t make your eyes better or stop the need for glasses.
      The main reason is because vision problems are a physical problem (the physical distance between the retina and lens), not a chemical problem that can be changed with drugs, herbs, or supplements :-(

      I’ve heard of eye exercises that some people try, but based on a lot of research I’ve done on them, there is no basis to say that it will improve your eyesight at all long-term. All that’s left after all that is surgery or glasses/contacts. Sorry.
      Also, there is an article at that points out some of the common myths about eyes. Some of these are included in there, but it also verifies that reading in the dark or watching a TV/computer screen too close doesn’t negatively affect the vision long-term. Good luck and I hope I helped!

      [edit]: I have no idea why Auroch is saying it might be Sleep Apnea as that’s a breathing problem while you’re sleeping, not a vision/eye problem. :-s

      [edit 2]: As far as the eyedrops, you can take those if you have dry eyes, but don’t expect them to improve your vision as they will pretty much only lubricate the eyes.

    How can I add a “story” to yahoo answers?
    If yahoo answers is not just asking questions and answering questions, how do I post something interesting? For example, the guy who wrote about how carrots don’t improve eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      You don’t. You can post relevant information IN an answer, but just trying to post a ‘story’ on here as if it were a blog will get your posting reported and removed as a violation. I have no idea who you mean by “the guy who wrote about how carrots don’t improve eyesight”, but if that was “Mike”, then he is a Yahoo employee who is PAID to post such things as part of the Yahoo Answers blog. STAFF can blog; users can’t.

    Does drinking milk really improve your eyesight?
    I heard that drinking more milk can help improve eyesight. Is that true?
    How can I improve my eyesight surely?
    Thanks anticipatedly.

    • ANSWER:
      Carrots are good for the eyesight too Even blue berries

    Is it true that carrots will improve your eyesight ?
    i was just wondering if carrots improve your eyesight because i was always told it and i am wondering if it is true

    • ANSWER:
      While studies definitely show beta-carotene (found in carrots) can help prevent a degradation of eyesight, it won’t improve your current vision.

      Fun Fact: During World War II, to explain why British pilots were able to shoot down German planes under the cover of darkness, they sent out fake communications (that they knew would be intercepted by Germany) that the reason for this nighttime success was from feeding the pilots of the British Royal Air Force large quantities of carrots, thus giving them “night vision.”

      In reality, they did this to conceal the newly-invented RADAR – but the myth that carrots can improve night vision persisted!

    What are good food items to sharpen my eyesight?
    Which are the most essential vitamins and minerals to improve eyesight. I have a negative power of three on both of my eyes.

    • ANSWER:
      Spectacle power is not dependent upon food. Good foods (with vitamins & antioxidants) helps in maintaining health of eyes and good vision with spectacles (if necessary), but it doesn’t reduce glass power.

      Vitamin A is necessary for maintenance of photochemical pathway for vision- it’s deficiency causes night vision disturbance.
      Antioxidants keeps our Retina healthy- prevents age related retinal degeneration.

      We should take foods rich in Vitamin A, Antioxidants (Green leafy vegetables & colored fruits & salads) e.g.-
      Spinach, papaya, carrots, tomato, broccoli, raw cabbage, cauliflower, almonds.

      For correction of glass power some yoga techniques may help.

    What are some foods (or nutrients) that are good for your eyes?
    besides carrots. My eyes feel kind of tired frequently (i have decent vision, i’m not trying to improve eyesight), so I was wondering what are some foods, or nutrients, that can help make eyes healthier/stronger. thank you
    I already eat carrots, i want to know what else i could eat for more benefits

    • ANSWER:
      *Carrot, sweet potatoes and dark green vegetables, for beta carotine.
      *Fruit and vegetables for vitamin C.
      *Seafood and wheatgerm for zinc.
      *Lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, wholegrains, seeds and green vegetables for their B vitamins.
      *Seed oils and avocados for vitamin E.

    Do you eat CARROTS raw?
    i started to love carrots nowadays.
    i find myself eating it almost everyday.
    i’ve found a new alternative in snacking.
    carrots! hahah!

    what are the benefits of eating carrots then?
    besides improving eyesight?
    why is there people saying carrots are carbs? no right? they are veges!

    • ANSWER:
      well improvements would be eyesight and better digestive system, more roughage, ummmm you’ll be healthier. raw veggies are better than cooked ones.

      when you cook veggies you destroy some of the vitamins that a veggie has.

      try some celery and peanut butter or bell peppers. or a green salad without dressing you’ll be impressed by the flavor and taste !!!

    Are carrots actually good for your eyes?
    Does/Can it actually improve eyesight?Or is that just another myth mums tell their kids to make them eat their veggies?

    • ANSWER:
      How does the lame joke go? “Are carrots good for your eyesight? Of course! Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?”

      Carrots are high in beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A, and vitamin A is vital for eye health. If you have a vitamin-A deficiency, you face an increased risk of night blindness and macular degeneration, and eating carrots (or anything that provides vitamin A) can be beneficial. However, most people in developed countries already get plenty of vitamin A, and eating additional carrots will have no noticeable impact on their eyes.


    Is there anyway to naturally improve eyesight?
    Lately I’ve noticed how I can’t see as good as I used to. I can’t even draw a picture on my computer screen without straining my eyes to see it.
    I won’t be able to afford an eye appointment for a while, but I really don’t want to have to wear glasses or contacts.
    Is there anyway I can improve my eyesight naturally or at least keep it from getting worse until I can get an appointment?

    • ANSWER:
      The carrots thing is actually a huge myth, see for the full story, but it originated from some WW2 propaganda.

      Vitamin A is important for your eyesight, thousands of impoverished children go blind every year from lack of vitamin A. Though overdosing on it can be pretty bad for you too, you wouldn’t be able to eat the amount of carrots required to get the benefit without making yourself very ill and very orange from the carotene in the carrots.

      Liver is the best thing to eat for your eyes. Though Cod Live Oil supplements can also help, there are plenty of foods which have a good vitamin A content, see

      If you can get hold of bilberries, they have also been said to help improve eyesight, they are a smaller, sweeter version of blueberries, though most supermarkets probably wouldn’t carry them, but they grow wild in many places.

      I’m not sure from your question where you live, but if you live in America, you may want to check out these sites, and they can give you advice on where you might qualify for a free eye test. If you live in the UK then eye tests are completely free if you are under 18 or are on benefits, and if not, most family practise opticians (opposed to chains like specsavers) only charge about 20- 30 for a test and some wave the fee alltogether if it turns out you need glasses.

    How to improve my eyesight without using glasses?
    I have been using glasses since i was 8 years old. I want to improve my eyesight so that i can get rid of my glasses forever. And i hate operations. I don’t want to do surgery on my eyes. I hope that you can give me some advises that can help me. And i also hope you will not give me a wrong answers or a bad answers. Thank you.

    • ANSWER:
      Perhaps carrots, blueberries, bilberries and a few other foods might help.

    Is this damage to my eye sight permanant?
    Ok,so I’m on my computer a lot,and that has done some pretty bad damage to my eye sight.My doctor said my eyesight is about 20-30.

    So,I’m getting glasses this Friday,which I am fine with,but would the damage to my eyes be permanent? I heard from a friend that eating a lot of carrots improves eyesight,but I’m not really sure about it.I’m too young to get contacts,and laser surgery seems too dangerous.

    So,is this damage permanant,or can it be fixed?

    • ANSWER:
      First, computer screens don’t damage your vision. They give you eyestrain and fatigue. Your vision has worsened because of a combination of your genes and doing near work. 20/30 really isn’t that bad either. They will probably get worse throughout your teens and will stablize in your early twenties. Once they have stablized, you can get laser surgery for correction if you are a good candidate for it.

      Second, eating carrots doesn’t improve your eyesight. Vitamin A is necessary for your eyes to function, but having excess amounts of it doesn’t do any good. It definitely won’t change the shape of your cornea, which is what gives you the vision you have.

      Hope this helps.

    How can I “improve” my eyesight?
    I’m looking for vitamins I can take, products I can use, and exercises I can do to help out my vision. I am planning on getting LASIK surgery in the near future, and I’m looking for ways to improve my eyesight pre-surgery that way I can get a headstart.

    P.S. I know that carrots do NOTHING to improve your eyesight. Don’t give me that as an option. Thanks.

    • ANSWER:
      As much as I wish I could say otherwise, glasses, contacts, or surgery are the only way to improve your eyesight.
      I’ve been looking for other options for almost 20 years since I first had to get glasses and I have found things that improve the health of your eyes (which can help them from getting worse), but they can’t make the actual visual acuity better. Most of them are natural herbs (like Lutein, Bilberry, and Eyebright) and vitamins (A and E among others) that help maintain the health of the eye, but unfortunately couldn’t improve vision.
      The main reason is because vision problems are a physical problem (the physical distance between the retina and lens), not a chemical problem that can be changed with drugs, herbs, or supplements :-(

      I’ve heard of eye exercises that some people try, but based on a lot of research I’ve done on them, there is no basis to say that it will improve your eyesight at all long-term. All that’s left after all that is surgery or glasses/contacts. Sorry.

    Is there anything I can do to improve my eyesight?
    I tried eating twenty carrots and taking vitamins but apparently that was just an old wives tale. My eyes are bad and anything not 5 feet in front of me is blurry and my left eye is even worse. So is there anything I can do to improve my eyesight. Apparently carrots and vitamins are good for them in the long run by preventing them from breaking down faster than normal but I want something to actually improve it if only a small amount.

    • ANSWER:
      well im assuming that you already wear contact or glasses.
      hmmm…lasik is an permanent opption.
      and really it may sound expensive, but when you think about it
      you spend 0 plus on glasses an stuff a year.
      so its an investment really.
      thats all i got lol
      im blind too
      so i feel for you

    How can I fix my eyesight naturally?
    I’m nearsighted, so I wear contacts so I can see and function in everyday life. Recently, I have been reading up on ways that improve eyesight through different exercises. However, I want to know if these claims are true and that one can improve eyesight naturally.

    Any answers on whether this is true or not is greatly appreciated, along with links!

    • ANSWER:
      They say almonds can help you eyes if you eat a dozen or so every day. i tried it and my eyes stopped deteriorating. i have had the same vision as i had from five years ago. before that, my eyes were worsening, fast. Carrots are also supposed to help eyes.

      PS… Robert is right too…

    Can looking at an eye chart every day improve my eyesight?
    I have myopia and I have printed out an eye chart. By looking at the chart from 20 feet away improve my eyesight? I am exercising my eyes so I hope to get good results.

    • ANSWER:
      Sorry, but looking at or trying to read the eye chart even 10 times a day, will not improve your vision Additionally there is no scientific proof that eating carrots, or other veggies containing beta-carotene and lycopene or practicing eye exercises will improve your vision to any noticeable extent.

      In order to maintain good eyesight, do not smoke and try to avoid second hand smoke, eat a healthy diet with lots of red, yellow and green vegetables and see an eye specialist every few years.

      Perhaps when your vision has stabilized, between the age of 18-25, you can get Lasik (vision correction surgery). Hopefully, by the time you are in your mid twenties, the surgery will be safer and some of the dangerous risks will have been eliminated. It is quite expensive and not covered by health insurance. If you ever decide to have this surgery, be sure to investigate the procedure thoroughly, There is a lot of information on the internet.

    Are there natural ways to improve your eyesight?
    Can you perform eye exercises, eat certain foods, or do other natural things to improve your eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      Carrots do it`

    What are some ways to improve your vision?
    I am 13 years old and I have 9 for a prescription, which is very very bad! I heard a lot of stories about focusing on green things and eating carrots will improve my vision but I am not sure about it. If you have any idea how to improve eyesight, please tell me!

    • ANSWER:
      there is no way to improve your vision NATURALLY. but you can correct your vision through surgery but there are pros and CONS to laser eye surgery surgery. carrots don’t help at all. they can keep your eyes from getting worse but vitamin a only helps your night vison not your overall sight. you can also think about ortho-keratology, they are contact which you can put on at night or in the day and you can see clearly for the other half of the day. it dosn’t “fix” your eyesight because if you dont wear them for 2 or 3 nights, your eyesight goes back to normal. you have to wear these contacts for the rest of your life and they cost about 00 PER contact. so it’s really expensive. ortho-k contacts flatten your oval shaped cornea so you can see clearly.

    How do you quickly, naturally improve eye sight?
    Is there a natural method to improve eyesight that actually works, thanks.

    • ANSWER:
      you cant, sorry. the old myths about carrots, exercises etc etc that “improve” vision is false. the only quick way is surgery. there are “natural ways” you may find on the internet but none of them will actually make you happy.

    How do you improve your eyesight?
    You see, I’m 13 years old and I have eyesights that are worse than more adults I know… Without expensive surgeries, how can I improve my eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      Foods that benefit your eyes are those that are deep yellow and dark green, fruit & vegetables: Carrots, yams squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupes & other yellow melons, zuccinni squash, peaches & apricots.
      Also can try 1-drop of carrot seed oil
      1-drop of flax seed oil
      Put a drop of each in each eye just as you are going to lay down in bed. =)

    How do you improve your eyesight?
    I have really bad vision. I wear glasses all the time. Do you know any way I could improve my eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      alright here are some natural options rather than laser surgery:
      make gooseberry juice=my aunt drank it everyday for six months and she got rid of her glasses
      crush cilantro and make eye drops out of them, stings a little but helps
      splash water in eyes after watching tv
      eat grapes and carrots
      hope this helps!

    How can I improve my eyesight?
    Hi i can carely not pass my permit test for a day liscence i have a nystagmus and 20-70 in the left eye and 20-200 in my right with corrected glasses i have an eye appointment in a few days but are there any ways to improve vision naturally?
    I know carrots improving your eyes is a myth but they do help preserve good eyesight or something
    Any help? thanks.

    • ANSWER:

      Here is good guide which you can read on how to improve your eyesight its called “How to Improve Eyesight Without Surgery”

    Do eating carrots really help your eyesight to get better? Is there an alternative you can eat ?
    I have pretty bad eyesight. I’m around 4-5 right now and I want to improve my eyesight.
    I know the basics.
    Dont’ go on the computer too much. Do not stare at the screen. Do not strain your eyes.
    but is there a way that eatin’ certain foods can help your eyesight?
    I’ve heard that carrots help. Is it true? and if so. Are there any other foods?

    • ANSWER:
      Most of research pertaining to healthy vision has focused on foods containing vitamin E and A (vitamin A is found in the form of beta carotene in plants) as these two are believed to be very effective in protecting eyes from free radical damage.

      The results show that people consuming enough dark green leafy vegetables (rich source of beta carotene) have much less degeneration of their maculae. This is probably due to the findings that lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants in the carotenoid family and related to beta carotene, build up in that part of the retina where degeneration occurs.

      Usual sources of vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene) are whole milk, curds, egg yolk, pumpkin, carrots, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, mangoes, and papaya.

      Vitamin E sources include avocados, nuts, seed oils, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables, eggs, pumpkin seeds and wheat germ.

      Natural and holistic treatments can also help to promote healthy vision and reduce symptoms including blurred vision, hemorrhaging of the eyes, and disorders of the retina. Treatments such as herbal and homeopathic remedies can provide a gentle alternative to conventional drugs, and at the same time address overall health and wellbeing.

      Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) has well known anti-oxidant properties, and ensures the health of all cells and tissues of the body, including the eyes, and also assists with circulation. Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos) which is an effective all round tonic for the immune system and helps to maintain digestive health, liver functioning and promote healthy blood sugar levels.

      Remember to always ensure your natural remedies are sourced from reputable companies for maximum safety, therapeutic dosage and effectiveness.

      For more details and recommended products, you may choose to visit the link below

    Does the Bates Method work in improving eyesight?
    How long would it take to improve your eyesight using this method, and what exactly IS the method ? Are they basically eye exercizes or what? Are there websites to teach it? Details please. And please don’t answer if you dont even know.

    • ANSWER:
      The Bates Method are some relaxation techniques which Bates said improves your eyesight. However, optometry and ophthalmoloy say otherwise. Although, it doesn’t do any harm if you try the Bates Method, just don’t expose your eyes to the sun… Some people have said it works. My sister’s an optometrist and when I asked her if there was any way of improving your eyesight, she got slightly angry because no method has been proved to work. Although, carrots will help your night vision :)

      Read this to know more about the Bates method:

    What vitamins and minerals to take for good eyesight?
    I’ve been wearing glasses for five years already. Are there helpful vitamins and minerals to take to improve my eyesight?


    • ANSWER:
      The eye is the most important organ for seeing the world that surrounds us. It is used in everything we do from reading a book and watching television to admiring the beauty of a flower or a loved one.

      Eyesight is a very precious sense, so it’s understandable that many people fear sudden loss or gradual loss of vision. Can you imagine losing your eyesight? The thought alone is a horrible one. As we approach old age it’s a thought that leaves an impression on our minds more and more.

      The fact is, nobody is guaranteed perfect vision forever, but saying that there are things you can do to protect your eyesight and keep your eyes healthy. One of them is to do eye exercises, but in this article we’ll be looking at foods and vitamins to improve eyesight.

      To ensure your eyesight is in optimum condition you need to consume these foods and vitamins.

      Vitamin A – Vitamin A also known as retinol, occurs naturally in animals. This Vitamin keeps the skin healthy and helps produce mucous secretions to build resistance to infection. If you don’t consume enough vitamin A you can end up with a condition known as Nyctalopia (Night Blindness). Night blindness is the inability to of the eye to adapt to dim light, sufferers can see in the day, but have trouble seeing in the dark or faint light.

      People who don’t consume enough Vitamin A may also go on to develop a condition called Xerophthalmia (Greek for dry eyes). This condition makes the surface of the eye become dry and likely to develop infection.

      Vitamin A – Vitamin A can be found in plants with carotenes, the body converts these into Vitamin A. Carotenes can be found in carrots, cabbage and lettuce. Vitamin A can also be found in green and yellow vegetables, butter, eggs, fish liver oils, liver, milk and sweet potatoes.

      Another good Vitamin to improve eyesight is a Vitamin called B2

      Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. It is needed for growth and for healthy skin and eyes. Vitamin B2 can be found in the following foods. Green vegetables, poultry, fish, liver, cheese and milk.

      The last of the Vitamins to improve eyesight will be looking is called Niacin

      Niacin – Niacin is also known as nicotinic acid. This Vitamin is essential for for growth and for health tissues. Without Niacin, Riboflavin cannot function properly so in that respect it is quite essential. Niacin can be found in liver, yeast, lean meat, whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals.

      As you can see, consuming foods and vitamins to improve your eyesight is not difficult. The vitamins a re found in common foods and sometimes you can get all of these vitamins from one single food i.e. liver appears in all the lists for the 3 different vitamins.

    How can you improve your eyesight?
    My eyes are getting worse by playing computer and I don’t know what I should do to improve my eyesight.

    • ANSWER:
      The eye is the most important organ for seeing the world that surrounds us. It is used in everything we do from reading a book and watching television to admiring the beauty of a flower or a loved one.

      Eyesight is a very precious sense, so it’s understandable that many people fear sudden loss or gradual loss of vision. Can you imagine losing your eyesight? The thought alone is a horrible one. As we approach old age it’s a thought that leaves an impression on our minds more and more.

      The fact is, nobody is guaranteed perfect vision forever, but saying that there are things you can do to protect your eyesight and keep your eyes healthy. One of them is to do eye exercises, but in this article we’ll be looking at foods and vitamins to improve eyesight.

      To ensure your eyesight is in optimum condition you need to consume these foods and vitamins.

      Vitamin A – Vitamin A also known as retinol, occurs naturally in animals. This Vitamin keeps the skin healthy and helps produce mucous secretions to build resistance to infection. If you don’t consume enough vitamin A you can end up with a condition known as Nyctalopia (Night Blindness). Night blindness is the inability to of the eye to adapt to dim light, sufferers can see in the day, but have trouble seeing in the dark or faint light.

      People who don’t consume enough Vitamin A may also go on to develop a condition called Xerophthalmia (Greek for dry eyes). This condition makes the surface of the eye become dry and likely to develop infection.

      Vitamin A – Vitamin A can be found in plants with carotenes, the body converts these into Vitamin A. Carotenes can be found in carrots, cabbage and lettuce. Vitamin A can also be found in green and yellow vegetables, butter, eggs, fish liver oils, liver, milk and sweet potatoes.

      Another good Vitamin to improve eyesight is a Vitamin called B2

      Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. It is needed for growth and for healthy skin and eyes. Vitamin B2 can be found in the following foods. Green vegetables, poultry, fish, liver, cheese and milk.

      The last of the Vitamins to improve eyesight will be looking is called Niacin

      Niacin – Niacin is also known as nicotinic acid. This Vitamin is essential for for growth and for health tissues. Without Niacin, Riboflavin cannot function properly so in that respect it is quite essential. Niacin can be found in liver, yeast, lean meat, whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals.

      As you can see, consuming foods and vitamins to improve your eyesight is not difficult. The vitamins a re found in common foods and sometimes you can get all of these vitamins from one single food i.e. liver appears in all the lists for the 3 different vitamins.

      Let just quickly recap the 3 Vitamins.

      Vitamin A is also known as Retinol, it stops you from getting Night Blindness and Xerophthalmia.

      Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin and it is essential for health eyes.

      Niacin is also known as nictonic acid, and without it Vitamin B2 cannot function properly.

    Are there any particular exercises that can improve your eyesight?
    how can i improve my eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      yes there are plenty, but you have to be consistent, do it a few times a day, and everyday. first put your neck to the left as far as you can go, then to the right as far as possible..repeat several times and hold it for at least 5 seconds each, and repeat at least 3 times. then stretch your neck as far as you can go forward, then backward (repeat sequence)
      another exercise is to keep your head straight and using just your eyes (no turning your head) looks as far left as possible, then as far down as you can, then right, then up as far as you can. once again, repeat several times, and as a finale slowly move your eyes in a full circle, looking to each direction as far as you can, without moving your head at all.
      food can also improve eyesight. carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, acai berries, goji berries

    What are some good foods that imporove eyesight?
    What are some good foods that will help to improve your eyesight and if you know, how much should i eat and how much will it help my eyesite? Thanks!

    • ANSWER:

      What foods are good for eyesight (vision)?
      Omega-3 fatty acids Beta-Carotene and Lutein are good for vision
      We are born with Omega 3 fats and B-vitamins that help develop our brains and our eyesight. As we age, we suffer from macular degeneration causing loss of eye sight. Most of the nutrients responsible for the fetal brain development remain helpful in maintaining our eyesight.

      Omega 3 fatty acids
      The major source of Omega 3 fatty acids is Fish. For vegetarians, Marine Algae is an acceptable alternative. Omega 3 acids are also found in Flaxseeds, walnuts, pistachios, and spinach. The structure of plant omega 3 acids is not same as the structure of marine fatty acids. Our body converts the plant structure to same as the marine structure.

      Beta Carotene (Vitamin A)
      During World War II, British needed to protect the secrecy of their airborne radar system. As a misinformation, Brits credited the pilots of eating carrots for their ability to spot the enemy. Little did they know that the misinformation was partly true. The carrots contain a significant amount of Vitamin A (Beta Carotene). Vitamin A also helps with night blindness.

      The best source for Lutein is the egg yolk, followed by green vegetables such as Spinach, and broccoli. Egg yolks also have zeaxanthin to protect eyesight. Lutein is found to be most helpful with macular degeneration.

      Preferred foods
      Spinach, broccoli, raw cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, almonds, fish, blue berries, bilberry, cranberry.

      Foods to avoid
      Refined flour (Maida)
      Trans-fats (Vanaspati)
      Avoid Smoking

      Nutrients needed
      Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C

    Does carrots prevent your eyesight from getting worse?
    I know it won’t improve your eyesight, but will it prevent your eyesight from getting worse?

    Please let me know!


    • ANSWER:
      No, there are studies now that show that green veggies, such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts ect…are better for your eyes than carrots.

      ~~See ~~>,1,4357905.story

    Is it possible to strengthen your eyes?
    By “strengthen” I mean improve blurry vision.

    Assuming there is no eye injury or other condition making it more difficult for the average person, are there any exercises a person can do to improve eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      no. no “eye exercises” will improve your vision/eyesight.

      the following methods have been proven to NOT work for reducing myopia:

      leafy green vegetables
      fish oil
      st. john’s wort/bilberry/ginko biloba/any vitamin or supplement
      eye exercises/”rolling” your eyes/looking at different distances
      bates method/see clearly method
      “resting” your eyes
      magic beans
      any other thing you have heard or read

      glasses. contacts. lasik. ortho-k. thats it.

    Is there a way to improve your eyesight?
    Other than contacts, glasses and surgery of course. I mean any thing you can do to mildly improve your eyesight?

    • ANSWER:
      You can improve your eyes adjusting to low light by eating foods high in vitamin E (as in carrots), but nothing you can do outside of what you mentioned will help with clarity.

    How Can I Improve My Eyesight?
    I have been wearing glasses PART-TIME for a few months now, I can see faraway a little, though not TOO far away. My eye doctor says that I should take breaks after 30 minutes of studying, reading, or screen time but I hardly ever do. I’ve heard of eye exercises but I don’t think they really work. I don’t wear contacts or anything, and I won’t ever. I want to know if I can improve my eyesight anyhow, even by a little. Any ideas?

    • ANSWER:
      taking a vitamin A supplement and a full spectrum Vitamin E supplement may help. The more you look at lights and computer screens the more vitamin A is used up. Eat lots of carrots. I bought this Eyebright and it works great the colors got much prettier. It is an herbal complex. If you have trouble finding it e mail me by double clicking my avatar I will try to find the bottle and who makes it.

    Is it possible to reverse your bad eye vision?
    I have a -10 grade on both eyes. Is there something that I can do to improve my eyesight? Does eating carrots really help? Don’t watch too much tv? Wear sunglasses everyday? How to avoid straining eyes? Any suggestions?

    • ANSWER:
      I use contacts called Paragon CRT. They’re like regular contacts, only you put them in at night and it fixes your vision while you sleep so you can wake up with 20 20 vision. Here’s the website

    Are carrots really good for your eyes?
    I always hear people say that carrots are good for one’s eyes. Do they mean carrots help improve vision or do they just prevent your eyes from getting tired easily?

    • ANSWER:
      There is no scientific proof that eye exercises, eye vitamins or eating foods high in beta-carotene (carrots) or lutein will improve visual acuity. Numerous studies have been conducted and continue to be conducted on this subject and to date all results are inconclusive. If there were any real proof that any natural remedy could improve vision, believe me eye docs would not be able to suppress the information from the public. Anyone who says different is putting those that need corrective lenses or who have optical disease or problems at risk. Listening to quacks is dangerous to your health. Certain vitamin deficiencies can cause eye problems, but this usually occurs in poor countries where people are malnourished or because an individual’s system cannot process the vitamin(s).

      The best way maintain good eyesight, see an eye specialist for a comprehensive dilated exam every 2-3 years. do not smoke and try to avoid second hand smoke. Eating a diet rich in red, yellow and green leafy vegetables may help you maintain good vision and avoid getting certain diseases, like macular degeneration and certain cance

    What is the best way to improve my eyesight to 20/20 again?
    Are there any exercises i can do with my eyes to improve them, and are there any fruits that will help?

    • ANSWER:
      this is the best I know from my 30 years of study of alternative health, herbs and nutrition

      get the book bates method of better eye care and follow his suggestions

      If you are still young, you might try a doctor who uses vision therapy..when my son was small, he was found to have 20-200 vision and an eye doctor told me this would never improve. I read the bates books and though I could not find anyone trained in using it, I called the state university and they referred me to someone who used another type of vision therapy. I drove my son 40 miles for 20 weeks once a week and he did what they told him to each week (eye exercises).

      His vision was improved to 20-40 in one eye and 20-60 in the other. The school was saying things to my son like “your mom doesn’t mean to be mean to you..try to convince her to get you glasses” which make me mad. I knew glasses made your eyes worst. It was with real satisfaction I mailed the report to them showing them that I was not a crappy parent but a caring one and the new vision he had attained.

      this gave him over 20 more years before he finally got glasses in his mid 30s

      Also get the eye formula here. on left on page scroll to eyes and click on eye wash and read it.

      You can also make this formula yourself using bulk organic herbs’

      read this and then this

      the latter has the formula, you can increase the 1/8th part cayenne gradually to 1/4 then 1/2 then 3/4 then one part and more. It has been used safely in doses over 100 parts cayenne with is 800 times the original dos and he got wonderful results but at the normal dose of 1/8th part It just stings a minute or big deal. Use bulk organic herbs if making yourself.

      I would suggest using his formula for directly in the eye and making your own for the internal use part of it. You can also make a tincture which is what I would do or buy the bayberry bark, eyebright herb, golden seal root, red raspberry leaves, 1/8 part cayenne in tincture form I use herbpharm brand and use one bottle (one ounce) of each and 1/8th bottle of the cayenne tincture for an easy way to do it and it will be cheaper as you will get over 4 ounces.

      then here is what you do in addition to reading bates book and doing his recommendations like reading the eye chart daily, palming, etc

      use the eyewash formula in an eyecup is his direction (schulze form herbdoc) My patients would mix 2 to 10 drops of the tincture into an eyecup and fill it with room temperature distilled water. They would hold the eyecup up to their eye, tip their head back and open their eye under the solution (it would burn a little at first). Then they did eye exercises while under the solution, looking left and right, up and down, circles left and right. Dr. Schulze

      also with this take 60 drops of the eyewash formula internally 7 times or so a day.

      drink 3 cups of fresh raw carrot juice made in a juicer..drink your doses within 15 minutes and make each batch not hold in the refrigerator.

      take 60 drops of organic ginkgo biloba tincture 5 times a day internally (herbpharm is a good brand)

      also take rosemary organic tincture and cayenne (brain herbs)

      then use a slant board once or twice a day..also eat a good, healthy diet and a good lifestyle with it.

      in addition to improving eyesight, this regimen has cured glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and even blindness

      If you wake up in the morning and eye i glued shut just wash with a warm washcloth..this is the junk coming out of the eye not infection or anything

    how do you improve your eyesight besides using technology?
    how do you improve your eyesight by eating the right stuff or doing things that does not require technology (because they’re expensive ^^)

    • ANSWER:
      Open your eyes.


      I hear carrots are good, or anything with Vitamin A. Of course they won’t technically “improve” your eyesight, but it will keep your eyes healthy, which in turn can help.

    Could you translate English into Turkish please?
    All our lives we’ve been told to eat our carrots, they help improve your eyesight. Maybe you’ve wondered, what exactly is it about the carrot that is good for my eyes? That would be the beta-carotene. In addition to giving the carrot its name and orange color, it also converts to vitamin A in the body which helps improve vision.

    • ANSWER:
      Hayat m z boyunca g rmemize iyi gelir diye havu yememiz s ylendi. Belki merak etmi sinizdir, havucun i inde g zlere iyi gelen madde tam olarak nedir? te o madde beta karoten. Havuca ismini ve turuncu rengini veren bu madde ayr ca v cutta A vitaminine d n erek g rmeyi de artt r yor.

can carrots improve eyesight