What You Must Know About Mole Removal Techniques | Important …

Many people despise moles, and they continuously look for new ways to eliminate them; hence, you should consider only the safest techniques to get rid of a mole.

If you want to remove your mole surgically, you should know that there are two available procedures, excision wit cauterization, when the mole is burned and simple excision, which can be with stitches, or not.

Laser excision is another form of treatment, but it is not recommended for the more profound types of moles, mainly because it cannot penetrate the skin deep enough. In most cases, after a consult the dermatologist will suggest a type of excursion, considering your mole, the expected cosmetic outcome and the risks. Furthermore, most people refer to a mole as any type of irregularity of the skin, which is of a darker color.

However, the doctors use various terms, and there are many more types of skin marks, such as abnormal formations of blood vessels, birthmarks or keratosis, and each of these needs to be treated differently. The apparition of a mole can be determined by various causes, but you shouldn’t feel scared. Usually moles exist on our skin since we are born, but in some situations they develop after a period of time. You probably did not know, but sun exposure plays a huge role in the expansion of a mole, and the hereditary role cannot be minimized either.

Many individuals inherit the dysplastic moles from their family, and they are very unfortunate, because these moles increase the risk of developing skin cancer. If you undergo a mole removal surgical procedure, you should know that your chances of getting a scar are increased. People tend to put beauty above everything, and they remove their moles surgically, without knowing that they can be left with horrible scars. Consequently, you should not disregard this aspect, and demand your dermatologist to offer your further details in relation with this matter. Also, before the actual surgery, the area will be anesthetized with sedatives such as Lidocaine, Lidoderm, Bactine or Xylocaine Jelly.

This should not take too long, but probably your doctors will prefer to wait for about half an hour to make sure that the blood flow to the area has decreased. Moreover, during the procedure, the surgeon will use a scalpel, and cut the mole, below the level of skin. At the end, they will stop the bleeding using a special solution, or will cauterize the wound with an electrical device.

Next, he will place an antibiotic on the wound to prevent infections, and then will provide you with the necessary instructions, in order to take care of it. In addition, moles removal by cutting, or excision, is usually used for the flat moles, and those with a darker color. A good surgeon will prepare your mole for surgery buy sterilizing, and anesthetizing it. Then he will cut the mole, as well as a portion of the surrounding area. No one, but the surgeon, can determine how much skin has to be removed along with the mole. If he believes that you have a cancerous mole, he will remove a wider portion of skin, to prevent this deadly illness from developing.

To find out a bit more regarding how to remove a mole. Have a look at http://www.moleremoval.net