Removing unsightly moles – FilmSki

Wart Mole Vanish is one of the most effective mole removal creams on the market today. It is affordable, all natural, and easy to use, so if you’re looking to get rid of a skin tag, mole, wart, or other skin occurrence, this is the product you’ll want to try.


When you’re ready to use it, you’ll want to clean the mole with the antibacterial solution provided in the kit. Use a cotton swab or wash with soap and water. Then scratch the entire mole surface with the emery board or toothpick also supplied to you in the kit. Make sure you do not poke or scratch the skin surrounding the mole. Scratching should be hard enough that when the cream is applied it will penetrate the surface of the mole, but not so hard that it bleeds. You might need to pinch a flat mole between your fingers to rough it up. Flat moles should only need one treatment, but raised ones will need back-to-back treatments.


Once you’ve done this, open the cream and stir contents thoroughly with the applicator stick. Do not use a cotton swab for this step. Apply a thin layer of the cream until the surface of the mole is covered – use only enough to cover the affected area and make sure you do not apply to the surrounding skin. Replace the top of the bottle on the cream so that it does not dry out. Allow the cream to remain on the area for 20 minutes. You may experience a moderate to strong stinging sensation for five to ten minutes and the mole should turn completely dark brown or black. Any swelling or redness around the mole is normal. After the 20 minutes has passed, gently wash off the dried cream with water or a wet cotton swab.


Within 24 to 48 hours, you should notice a scab forming. Make sure you do not remove the scab prematurely. You can wash and bathe normally during this time, but it is recommended to apply natural Aloe Vera every four hours after the treatment is complete. Once the scab has fallen off, apply pure natural Vitamin E oil every four hours. It should take one to three weeks, or even up to five weeks for larger moles, for the scab to fall off naturally. Do not disturb or remove the scab. When the scab falls off, pink or red tissue is normal. The pinkness should fade as the tissue becomes conditioned to the environment. Skin tones usually balance out within 30 days up to a few months.

