How I've Been Using Essential Oils This Week | Essential Survival …

inhaling an oil How Ive Been Using Essential Oils This Week

Recently I found myself in the pharmacy section of Wal-Mart amazed at all the lotions, potions, and chemical concoctions available for every ill under the sun.  As I perused the large selection of products for personal care, first aid, and medical use I was once again reminded at how happy I am to be using Young Living essential oils!!

I thought that for today’s Essential Survival article I would share how I have been using essential oils this week!  I’ve been getting great results using the oils for lingering congestion and cough from a weird summertime flu, rough and callused heels, and majorly sore muscles as trained 3 days in a row in my martial art’s class after taking a couple of weeks off from training!

Respiratory Congestion–

essential oils respiratory system How Ive Been Using Essential Oils This Week

Last week I found myself dealing with a hard-core summertime respiratory infection combined with allergies.  Believe me, it was no fun!  This week I’ve had this lingering cough and congestion in my lungs.  I’ve been doing hot compresses with a couple drops each of frankincense & R.C. oils with great results!

All I’ve been doing is applying the oils to my chest at the end of my shower then laying a hot wet washcloth over my chest for a minute or so.  This instantly opens up the lungs and bronchi and leaves me breathing much more freely!

I also have an open bottle of R.C. oil sitting on my desk, and the lovely eucalyptus fumes (R.C. oil has several varieties of eucalyptus in it) feel great in my respiratory tract!

Besides helping to open up the lungs, frankincense oil is antibacterial and helps to fight any remaining infection!  My nose is no longer plugged, my cough is subsiding, and best of all — I haven’t had to use any toxic drugs!!

Calluses on Heels of Feet –

Lemon oil pumice How Ive Been Using Essential Oils This Week

I’m not sure why, but over the past few years my heels have become increasingly rough and callused.  It might be all that outdoor barefoot running we do at my martial art’s class, or maybe it’s something else.  In any case, I’d rather that my feet not look like hobbit feet as I begin to don sandles and flip-flops.  So last night I decided to take some action.

I took a soak in the bath and scrubbed my heels with a pumice stone.  After I got out of the bath, I applied a few drops of lemon oil to my heels.  Today my heels are already much better!  I think I’ll keep up the pumice stone and lemon oil action a few times per week over the next while!!  I had a little extra lemon oil on my hands so I rubbed it on my cuticles that were getting a little scraggly.

By the way, lemon oil is the Oil of the Month for June 2013.  Get a bottle of lemon oil this month and I will add you to my private Facebook group where I post a different tip for lemon oil every day of the month!!

Muscle Aches & Pains –

Epsom salts and oils How Ive Been Using Essential Oils This Week

There is a dark side to every workout, and I was reminded of that this week when my muscles, tendons, ligaments, and maybe even my bones were protesting my return to my martial arts classes.  Monday we had a nice, intensive workout to start out our class and then ended the class with sparring.  I ended up with only a couple of bruises, but between class on Monday, then again Tuesday and Wednesday I could hardly walk last night!!

So last night I took 2 cups of plain Epsom salts (don’t get the kind with essential oils added — they have more chemical perfume than essential oils) and mixed in a few drops each of Idaho Balsam Fir & Aroma Siez essential oils, then dumped the mixture in the hot bath water.  I soaked for about 20 minutes and was thrilled that all the soreness dissolved in the bath!!

Epsom salts are great for sore muscles because they put magnesium, a muscle relaxer, into our body.  And both Idaho Balsam Fir and Aroma Siez are both natural anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving oils.  I prefer to use these rather than peppermint or PanAway in the bath because the peppermint oil leaves an icy-cold sensation on the skin which can feel strange when you’re in the bath. =)


How Have You Been Using the Oils Lately??

I just heard from these two clients of mine this week!!

“I got some sort of food poisoning … last night and this morning I didn’t think I’d be able to make it into work. I lathered my stomach with peppermint oil and lay in bed for 20 minutes and then I was able to get up and go to work! Phew!”

– D’Arcy B.

“Ever the nonbeliever, I am having a real hard time believing what I am seeing. When my order came, I tried the lavender for allergies. Three days later, I am giving my 80 year old mother a bottle of her own. I explained that I couldn’t believe it and hated to say it out loud but I was getting amazing relief from my allergy symptoms and wanted her to try it for hers.

About 10 days later, I was getting dressed when I heard Mother scream. I ran to her room to find her leaning against the wall with blood pouring from a two inch gash in her calf. I forced her into a chair, raised her legs up onto the side of her bed, grabbed her hand and a towel and had her apply pressure to try to control the gushing while I ran back to get my lavender. Came running back into her room, I dumped the oil onto the wound and the bleeding stopped on contact. She had stabbed herself with a very sharp knife improperly stored in her room. She refused to go to the ER so I cut my own version of improvised “stitches” from paper first aid tape to close the gash and bandaged it. She applied lavender oil whenever the wound bothered her over the next three days. I was dumbfounded to see the wound sealed closed at three days when the “stitches” pealed off. There was almost no pain because when it started, she applied oil. There was no infection, swelling or bruising at all. I am still walking around shaking my head.

At the same time, I am telling any and everyone to use these oils. I gave my sister my peppermint for her indigestion/acid reflux. Tina tried it under protest, she hates peppermint. It worked instantly and she kept coming back for more. Good thing I have auto reorder! I don’t want to be without my supply! I am amazed with the results. The oils are passing each and every test that I am putting them through.

When my little 9 lb. poodle got sick and started gagging and vomiting, I put the bottle of peppermint oil under her little nose, the vomiting ceased…on 3 separate occasions. Color me shocked! I now walk around with my lavender and peppermint first aid kit in my front pocket.”

– Carol B.


Please feel free to comment and share how you have been getting results with essential oils!!

– Julie =)


Julie head shot informal How Ive Been Using Essential Oils This Week


Julie Behling-Hovdal is a reflexologist/holistic healer and founder of Essential Survival where she teaches people how to prepare for the #1 cause of death in the event of an economic collapse — lack of access to medicines.  In 2005 Julie was able to get off 4 prescription drugs and heal from a 6-year stint of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia with products from Young Living Essential Oils. Get a free copy of her report “Fast Track Survival Medicines” at


Statements made about the essential oils that come in the Essential Oil Survival Kit and and other products offered by Essential Survival have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician.

Last updated by at June 6, 2013.