Various Hemorrhoids Treatment That You Can Do At Home

Hemorrhoids are inflamed blood vessels and enlarged tissues in our anal canal that causes pain and bleeding when they worsen. Luckily, there are various ways to treat hemorrhoids since they are not that serious. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include itching, burning sensations and pain. And these symptoms usually vanish in a few days. Moreover, hemorrhoids can be easily treated which you can do on your own at home. These home treatments for hemorrhoids are as effective as medical treatment.


Here are the various hemorrhoids treatments that you can do at home:

1. Although there are no exact causes for hemorrhoids, it is believed that straining and pressure causes the blood vessels in the hemorrhoids to swell or inflame. So in order to cure your hemorrhoids, avoid things that can bring strain or pressure into your hemorrhoids. The following should be observed:

  • Avoid prolonged sitting into the toilet. Do not spend too much time defecating. Also, avoid reading, playing video games and other forms of relaxation while inside the toilet.
  • Avoid lifting heavy things.
  • Avoid constipation and diarrhea.
  • Avoid standing or sitting in one position for too long. If you are required to sit for long period of time, try to stand every 30 minutes or take a few minutes of walk every hour.

2. In order to treat hemorrhoids, it is important that you put some changes into your diet. Since you have to avoid constipation, you must include foods rich in fiber into your meals. Try eating more fruits and vegetables because they are rich in fiber. Fiber is very important in the treatment of hemorrhoids because they help soften the stool to avoid constipation. Also drink lots of water. Avoid intake of caffeine and too much sugar because they stimulate the occurrence of hemorrhoids. If constipation cannot be avoided through fiber intake, laxatives and stool softeners are available in drug stores.

3. Exercise is also a big help in treating hemorrhoids. But be careful with the kind of exercise that you do since there are certain exercises that can strain your hemorrhoids making them worse. If possible, try consulting a fitness trainer in order to know the right exercises that you can do for the treatment of your hemorrhoids.

4. Water can sooth an itchy or painful hemorrhoids. You can try soaking your anus or rectal area in a warm water for 10-15 minutes for several times a day. This is called the sitz bath. Also do not rub your anus. Make sure to keep you rectal area clean. Use water and wipes when cleaning your anus. Avoid soap which can dry your skin.

5. Try using non prescription drugs. These non prescription drugs don’t usually treat hemorrhoids but they can give instant relief. Hemorrhoid creams, gels and foams can be obtained from drug stores without the need for prescriptions. Oral medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin can also relieve you from the pain and itching brought by hemorrhoids.

If the above home treatment fails, then there is a need for you to consult a physician. You might have other ailments that cause pain and bleeding other than your hemorrhoids.

