Effective Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids – Natural Treatments …

HemorrhoidsA common occurrence in pregnant ladies, elderly individuals and those suffering from conditions like constipation, Hemorrhoids are characterized by the appearance of swollen or inflamed veins in and around the anus and rectum. Hemorrhoids can form both internally and externally, and are a nuisance to deal with, especially in the long run.

One of the major causes for the formation of hemorrhoids is a strained bowel movement. Placing excess pressure on the rectal and anal regions during a bowel movement could cause the veins in these regions to inflame.

And while pain and discomfort are the most common symptoms of the condition, with time (and improper treatment) hemorrhoids can lead to issues like blood clots in the rectal and anal regions (if the condition is external), bloody stools (if the condition is internal), swelling, irritation and itching etc.

Effective Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be effectively treated with standard medications as well as certain home remedies that can prove to be extremely beneficial in controlling the symptoms of the condition and preventing recurrences to a great extent. Given below are some of the most common home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Increase Fiber Intake

Constipation is said to be one of the main reasons behind hemorrhoids. Individuals suffering from constipation are usually urged to increase their fiber intake by eating foods that contain plenty of fiber (like vegetables, fruits, almonds, flax seeds, prunes, pears, beans, whole grains, pistachio and pecans etc.) or opting for fiber supplements.

Fiber Rich Diet

Excess amounts of fiber in the body would aid in quick digestion of the consumed foods. It would also ensure easy assimilation of the digested food and soften the waste materials so that they pass through the colon easily. This would in turn prevent constipation and lessen the pressure placed on the rectum and anus during bowel movements.

Increase Probiotic Intake

Individuals who suffer from hemorrhoids can increase the intake of foods containing probiotics or opt for probiotic supplements that would help provide the body with enough probiotics needed to flush out the harmful bacteria from the gut and balance the healthy bacteria levels in the region.

In addition to promoting overall health, this would effectively control constipation and thereby, help control hemorrhoids and their symptoms to a great extent. Some very good sources of probiotics include yogurt, fermented cheese and fermented drinks etc.

Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

Placing a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar over the inflamed veins could help bring down the swelling to an extent, and reduce the pain and discomfort associated with the same.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The procedure can be repeated until the inflammation reduces to a manageable extent and the pain disappears. This particular home remedy is considered to provide very quick and effective relief from hemorrhoids.

Try Squatting During A Bowel Movement

An individual with hemorrhoids would find it extremely difficult to pass stools while sitting down as in the case of a conventional (western) toilet. Sitting down during a bowel movement can make it harder for the rectum to pass the stools properly.

Squatting on the other hand can help straighten out the rectum in addition to relaxing the puborectalis muscle which would in turn ease the bowel movement and reduce the pressure placed on the rectum for the same. And this would effectively reduce the occurrence of hemorrhoids and their symptoms to a great extent.

Apply Coconut Oil

Applying some coconut oil onto the inflamed veins can also help bring down the discomfort, pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids.

coconut oil

A cotton swab can be used to apply the coconut oil over the swollen veins at least thrice a day. After about 30 minutes, the oil can be rinsed out using cold water. Regular application can also help cure hemorrhoids completely.

Don’t Overwork The Bowels

It is considered wise to refrain from forcing the bowels to move unless the need for the same arises. Placing pressure on the bowels to move can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. Forcing the bowel to produce more after a movement can also cause hemorrhoids.

It is also considered wise to refrain from stopping a bowel movement or pausing in between. The bowel needs to be emptied completely in order to prevent the stools from hardening and blocking the lower intestinal tract.

Apply Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera contains potent antibacterial and antiseptic properties that help to both get rid of the bacteria causing the condition and promote quick healing of the affected area.

Gel Of Aloe Vera

Applying some aloe vera gel topically over the inflamed veins at regular intervals throughout the day can help provide extended relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Practice Proper Hygiene

Keeping the anal and rectal regions clean is a must when it comes to treating hemorrhoids at home. It is considered essential to wipe the rectal area gently (and properly) in order to avoid skin irritation in the area. The best option would be to forgo toilet paper and rinse the area with plain water instead.

Alternatively, pre-moistened wipes can be used for the same purpose although they are known to cause irritation in certain cases. It is also considered wise to avoid soaps that can cause skin irritation and opt for god quality cleansers instead. Individuals must make it a point to dry the area with a soft towel (patting rather than rubbing) after rinsing it.

Drink Plenty of Water

In addition to flushing out harmful bacteria from the body, water can soften the stools and prevent constipation, thus preventing the formation of hemorrhoids. It is considered wise to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day in order to keep the body hydrated and free of toxins.

drink water

In addition to water, an individual can opt for fresh fruit and vegetable juices (preferably those that contain plenty of fiber like spinach, turnip leaves, carrots, apple, cranberry, radish and bitter gourd etc.) in order to increase both water and fiber intake. This would effectively help control constipation and reduce rectal pressure during bowel movements, thereby controlling hemorrhoids to a great extent.

Apply a Cold Pack/Compress

Placing a cold compress or pack directly above the inflamed veins can bring down the swelling and pain caused by hemorrhoids to a great extent. The best option would be to wrap some ice cubes in a towel and sit on it directly. Alternatively, placing a bag of frozen peas or a towel immersed in cold water above the hemorrhoids can alleviate the pain and discomfort to a great extent.

Eat Mango Seeds

Dried mango seeds can be very beneficial in treating hemorrhoids and their symptoms. The process involves drying mango seeds in the sun and then powdering them.

mango seeds

Consuming the powder twice every day can help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with hemorrhoids. Alternatively, the powder can be mixed with a tablespoon of honey or a glass of butter milk for better results.

Take a Sitz Bath

Sitting in a bathtub filled with warm water for about 15 minutes thrice a day can help reduce the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. A sitz bath would also help to a great extent. Adding a cup of diluted apple cider vinegar to the bath would have added benefits as well.

Alternatively, an individual can opt to sit on a warm washcloth (big enough to cover the buttocks completely) for about 15 minutes at regular intervals throughout the day in order to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.

Photo Credit: http://hemorrhoidsorted.com/what-are-piles/