Herbs Can Help Heal Eczema – Lying DC's Health Blog

Eczema is an inflammatory condition that can affect the elbows, knees, wrist and neck areas of the body. It can be frustrating because not only does it itch but it also can leave a rash on the skin. There are many creams out there that claim to ease the itch, but if you’re the kind of person who prefers using natural ingredients to ease the symptoms, you need to take a look at natural herbs for the healing process. Using an herb eczema cream can be comforting, while avoiding side effects that can occur from store-bought creams.

Using TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a way of dealing with such diseases as Eczema. The Chinese have been using natural herbs as a method to treat the conditions that attack the body for many years. Using TCM is a good way to partner up with conventional medicine. By using natural ingredients in a herb eczema cream such as milk thistle seed, ginger, borage and licorice root extract, the body is less apt to react with allergic side effects.

If you do decide to use TCM, it is a good idea to keep your doctor informed so that you get the best of both worlds, both the natural and conventional medicine, to give you the best plan to handle your health issues. Some people believe that it’s an either/or situation, but if used together it can give you a much better fight against disease. By letting your doctor know about your usage of herbs to help you with your symptoms, you will be assured that the herbs won’t counteract with any of your doctor’s methods of treating your symptoms.

Using a herb eczema cream will help ease the symptoms of eczema. Although herbs will help the symptoms, be patient because each individual will show progress in their own healing time. Never compare the speed at which you heal with the speed of others healing. Use the herb eczema cream as prescribed by your Chinese healing practitioner, they will need some time to effect the skin outbreak.

Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back to the practice of Taoism and has been practiced for more than five thousand. TCM is being used side-by-side with conventional western techniques in many Chinese hospitals, and lately it is becoming more accepted in some traditional hospitals in the US. If you would like more information about TCM, take a look at http://nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/chinesemed.htm.