ECZEMA…. Natural Herbs to Help… – Natural Herbal Remedy

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The word “Eczema’’ stems from the Greek word ‘ekzein’, which means ‘to boil out’. Separately,  ‘ek’ means ‘out’ and ‘zema’ means ‘boiling’. Eczema represents various skin conditions, mainly chronic, which is caused by the inflammation of the epidermal layer of the skin. The skin becomes itchy, reddened, dry, cracked and irritated. It sometimes appears as small, watery bumps that leak. It may also bleed and scratching it results in the skin to peel off and bleed, becoming a breeding ground for infections. Eczema can appear on any part of the body. The most widespread form of it is called Atopic dermatitis. It is the condition in which one becomes allergic to pollen, dust, and other allergens in the environment. This disease is often inherited. Its victims are more vulnerable to allergic conditions such as hay fever or asthma. People of all ages are affected by Eczema but it is most commonly observed among children and infants. Those who are able to get rid of it at an early age have happened to be hit by it again later in life. There isn’t any risk involved in catching it from someone else.


The inability of the skin to perform its function and the unusual function of the immune system, are mainly the causes. People with Atopic dermatitis have gene defects that cause the inability of the proteins (filaggrin) to perform their function, hence skin cannot act as a barrier.


Eczema runs in families. It is mainly inherited. People sometimes have an extra-sensitive skin due to certain genes. The shortcomings of the skin barrier lead to Eczema which permits moisture to seep from the skin, allowing the germs to enter.


Allergens are the substances in the environment that induces an abnormal reaction of the body. The most common allergens that cause Eczema are house dust mites, pet fur, especially cats, and pollen in the air. Food allergens also cause allergic reactions, such as cow’s milk, eggs, nuts, soya and wheat.

There are certain factors that trigger or flare up the symptoms of Eczema rather than causing them. These are:

·         Hormonal changes in women: Eczema becomes worse among women during their menstrual cycle. Their Eczema flares up even in days before their period. Hormonal changes also occur during pregnancy.

·         Stress: For some people, their Eczema worsens when they are stressed.

·         Exercise: Sweating while exercising aggravates Eczema.

·         Irritants: There are several irritants that disturb the skin, such as soaps and detergents (shampoo, cleansers, and bubble bath), woolen and nylon clothes, overheating, cold and dry weather, makeup, dust and sand, chlorine and solvents.

·         Other triggers: Perfumes, environmental factors, e.g. cigarette smoke, hard water, changing seasons e.g. winters make Eczema worse, dampness and washing too much.


The rashes caused by Eczema are different for different people. It can affect different areas of the body. It ranges from being mild to moderate to severe. Victims of Eczema develop dry, reddened, sensitive skin that burns badly or itches, although it may look different, depending on the type and intensity. The itching can be so bad that you have to scratch it until you bleed, which of course further aggravates the rash causing more inflammation and itching. Persistent scratching leads to thickened, brown skin. It disrupts sleep. Blisters are formed and the cuts begin to seep. Eczema is also known to make the skin scaly and dry. Kids with Eczema form small bumps on their cheeks, foreheads or scalp. In both adults and children, Eczema appears on the neck, insides of the elbow, face, back of the wrists and ankles, and behind the knees. In infants, it appears on the forehead, forearms, cheeks, scalp, legs, neck, torso and on elbows and knees. When the kids grow up, the rash becomes less oozy and crusty. The symptoms can get better or worse with time, with the occasional flare-ups. Mostly the symptoms of Eczema stay for a long period of time and is also called chronic dermatitis.

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Herbal Remedies:

  • A cloth can be soaked in Stinging Nettle or Yellow Root Tea and applied to the affected area for twenty minutes 5 x a day. It has been known to battle redness, inflammation and bacteria.
  • Burdock leaf is effective against scaling skin. Mix with red clover, yellow dock, heartsease (viola) and cleavers. Apply to the affected areas. Made as a tea to be drunk, 3 times a day, it provides fast relief.
  • Evening Primrose heals cuts and dry flakey parts. It should be applied during the day, before sleeping and after having a shower. Chickweed can also be used as oil and massaged on the affected area(s).
  • Slippery Elm is a useful herb. A herbal paste can be made from combining water and dried powdered leaf, which can then be rubbed on the concerned area and left for an hour. Later on, it should be rinsed and gently dried.
  • Various essential oils are helpful tools in dealing with Eczema. Combine almond or olive oil with a few drops of lavender, rose, juniper, hyssop, or geranium essential oil. Always test on a patch of skin first before combining more than one essential oil.
  • Turmeric capsules or a mixture of turmeric and olive oil can be used.
  • Calendula or Pot Marigold is considered a good moisturizer and herbal remedy. As a lotion or ointment it can be applied. Witch hazel, Tee Tree oil and ElderLeaves can also be used to complement it.
  • A thick paste of Dry Oatmeal and Chamomile Tea should be applied for two to three days.
  • Aloe vera is effective in treating burns. When mixed with vitamin E oil, it acts as an excellent moisturizer.
  •  Herbal oils of tamanu, kukui nut oil and apricot keeps the skin hydrated and forms a protective barrier.

Neem oil is antibacterial and is well suited to treat Eczema.

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