External Hemorrhoids And Pictures – Hemroid No More

    External Hemroids – Hemoroid Pain & Relief
    External hemroids are usually visible as fleshy lumps around the anus. Prolapsed hemroids (internal hemroids that protrude out the anus) are often mistaken for external hemroids. Otherwise, any swelling or protruding mass at or near the anus are considered to be external hemroids. External hemroids occur when the veins of the anal opening swell from too much strain.

    Treatment for Hemmroids
    External hemmroids are caused when the veins of the anus swell from pressure. Treatment for external hemmroids includes warm baths (sitz baths), ice packs, suppositories, seat cushions and loose underwear. External hemmroids occur outside the rectum. Basically, all swellings at or near the anal opening are considered to be hemroids (except in the case of prolapsed hemroids, which originate internally but protrude externally).

    After each bowel movement, wiping with a moistened tissue or pad sold for that purpose helps lessen irritation. Hemorrhoid pain is often eased by sitting in a tub of warm water for about 10 or 15 minutes two to four times a day (sitz bath). A cool compress or ice pack to reduce swelling is also recommended (the ice pack should be wrapped in a cloth or towel to prevent direct contact with the skin). Many people find that over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams and foams bring relief, but these medications do not make hemorrhoids disappear. – thrombosed external hemorrhoids

    Alternative treatment -Like mainstream practitioners, alternative practitioners stress the importance of a high-fiber diet. To prevent hemorrhoids by strengthening the veins of the anus, rectum, and colon, they recommend blackberries, blueberries, cherries, vitamin C, butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus), and flavonoids (plant pigments found in fruit and fruit products, tea, and soy). Herbal teas, hemoroid ointments, and suppositories, and other kinds of herbal preparations, are suggested for reducing discomfort and eliminating hemorrhoids. In particular, pilewort (Ranunculusficaria), applied in an ointment or taken as a tea, can reduce the pain of external hemorrhoids. Acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, and homeopathy are also used to treat hemorrhoids. – hemmeroid symptoms

    Although many people have hemorrhoids, not all experience symptoms. The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. However, an internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful. This is known as a protruding hemorrhoid. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms. This condition is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of symptoms. Draining mucus may also cause itching. – hemroids

    Apple cider vinegar Bleeding hemorrhoids will stop if you take two teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water at every meal. – picture of hemorrhoids What is hemroids?

    Avoid constipation. Eat a high-fiber diet, consisting mainly of fruits, whole-grain products, and vegetables. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day to increase fecal bulk and prevent straining. Do not strain or hold your breath on the toilet. Choose a time when you are not rushed, and do not ignore the urge to defecate. – hemoroid pictures

    Calomel/lard Mix a half ounce of heated lard with a dram (teaspoonful) of Calomel and apply as a salve on a piece of cotton. This has cured obstinate cases. – hemmroids treatment

    Causes & Symptoms – Precisely why hemorrhoids develop is unknown. Researchers have identified a number of reasons to explain hemorrhoidal swelling, including the simple fact that people’s upright posture places a lot of pressure on the anal and rectal veins. Aging, obesity, pregnancy, chronic constipation or diarrhea, excessive use of enemas or laxatives, straining during bowel movements, and spending too much time on the toilet are considered contributing factors. Heredity may also play a part in some cases. There is no reason to believe that hemorrhoids are caused by jobs requiring, for instance, heavy lifting or long hours of sitting, although activities of that kind may make existing hemorrhoids worse. – hemoroids symptoms

    Cayenne pepper Take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cayenne in a glass of water to stop bleeding hemorrhoids. Take cayenne for several days until the hemorrhoids are gone, then once or twice a week for a good maintenance dose. This will clear up hemorrhoids and keep them from reoccurring. The cayenne helps the blood flow better. Cranberry A diet consisting of a lot of cranberries is supposed to be beneficial. What are hemroids? – hemroid information

    Complementary and Alternative Therapies – Nutrition Eat in a relaxed atmosphere, breathing and chewing food thoroughly. Eat smaller, more frequent meals and avoid overeating at one sitting. Eliminate refined foods, sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and dairy products. Decrease saturated fats (animal products) and increase polyunsaturated fats (cold-water fish, nuts, and seeds). Increase fresh vegetables and whole grains, as well as water intake. Stewed or soaked prunes, one to three/day have a slightly laxative effect and may help soften stools. Flaxmeal, 1 heaping tsp. in 8 oz. of apple juice, provides fiber and essential fatty acids to help relieve constipation. Follow with an additional 8 oz. of water. Vitamin C (1,000 mg two to three times per day) supports the integrity of connective tissue. Vitamin E (400 to 800 IU per day) promotes healing. – What is a hemroid? hemoroid surgery information

    Description – Hemorrhoids (also called piles) can be divided into two kinds, internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids lie inside the anus or lower rectum, beneath the anal or rectal lining. External hemorrhoids lie outside the anal opening. Both kinds can be present at the same time. – anal sex hemorrhoids

    Diagnosis -Diagnosis begins with a visual examination of the anus, followed by an internal examination during which the doctor carefully inserts a gloved and lubricated finger into the anus. The doctor may also use an anoscope, a small tube that allows him or her to see into the anal canal. Under some circumstances the doctor may wish to check for other problems by using a sigmoidoscope or colonoscope, a flexible instrument that allows inspection of the lower colon (in the case of the sigmoidoscope) or the entire colon (in the case of the colonoscope). – hemroids treatment.