What is the best herbal treatment for hemorrhoids? – The Healthy …

A. Below are some of the most effective herbal ingredients for treating hemorrhoids:

1. Witch Hazel
It is basically an astringent that is commonly contained in ointments and creams for relieving hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is a shrub, and the bark and leaf of this shrub is used for reducing inflammation and swelling of external hemorrhoids.

2. Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut seed has countless benefits and it mainly helps in relieving certain diseases that involves the veins. Horse chestnut extract is used these days for treating hemorrhoids. It contains aescin, a special ingredient that helps in reducing pain and inflammation, and also improves the elasticity of the vein, while strengthening the walls of the veins and improving the tone too. It further helps in improving micro vascular circulation and also lessens fluid retention and swelling.

3. Butcher�s Broom
Butcher�s broom is an effective herb that belongs to the family of asparagus, and is also used as a vegetable. It contains one of the most crucial ingredients called ruscogenins that helps in narrowing the blood vessels, reduces swelling and inflammation, and also strengthens the walls of veins.

4. Pilewort
Pilewort is an ancient English herb that helps in treating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is used in the form of a tincture, and is applied directly on to the external hemorrhoid. However, it can be consumed as tea also.Pilewort has certain side effects, though so keep this in mind if you are using it and stop and see a doctor if you feel any negative side effects.

5. Cranesbill
It is basically a geranium plant, usually wild in nature, and is native to America. It helps in treating various digestive conditions and has excellent astringent properties for treating hemorrhoids.

Q. I have 3 external hemorrhoids, and one or 2 internal ones as well. My life is not very pleasant.
Recently, they have been very swollen and hurt to the point where it’s difficult to go number 2.

Any home remedies or things to shrink hemorrhoids, or at least help?
Note: I’ve already tried Aloe Vera Juice, fiber and plenty of water.

Thank you.

A. EXPOSED: “Easy Method Cures Hemorrhoids Safely in 48 Hours, Already PROVEN By Thousands To Have Eliminated Pain & Embarrassment For Good …”

Unravel what they don’t want you to discover … curable no matter how severe.

Now, obviously you came here to finally get rid of this condition for good, too – yes?

Everyone else today did.

And I’m sure you see the SENSE in making a small investment for a an easy, FAIL-SAFE remedy that’s GUARANTEED to work without side-effects – yes?

Of course you would.

Realize that hemorrhoids can get worse over time, making it harder to eliminate. Thus, the worst thing you can do is to procrastinate.

Then don’t wait. Take action. TRY SOURCE BELOW NOW and stop risking even more suffering, annoyance and embarrassment.

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