Learn what causes heartburn – Acid Reflux Diet

The Causes of heartburn

As long as the disorder of the stomach due to eating habits, heartburn can actually have several causes. While certain foods will help, for example to the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, and allowing the acidity to go up in the oesophagus, other foods will increase the production of gastric juices and make the contents of the stomach more acid .

Learn what causes heartburn

Heartburn and stress

The stress is clearly identified as a main cause of heartburn. Working on our stress, we can significantly reduce heartburn because there is clearly a link between the nervous system and the digestive system. A digestion without stress is important because, under the influence of it, our body increase the secretion of acid in the stomach and the burning sensation happens to us. Also we have tendency to prepare several different types of food under the stress which gives more work to the stomach, which then will appeal to more acidity during digestion.

Heartburn and diet

The diet is therefore an important factor in the development and treatment of heartburn. First of all, some foods cause the lower esophageal sphincter relaxation. They facilitate the flow of food into the esophagus and can cause uncomfortable burning sensation. Then, other foods they increase the production of gastric juices. Making the contents of the stomach more acid, these foods can increase the pain when there is reflux. Finally, there is the particularly irritating food for a damaged oesophagus and which cause burns as soon as they are swallowed. Avoiding these foods will prevent in many cases, the burns and pain associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Heartburn and lifestyle

Lifestyle also affect the heartburn. For example, the fact of lie just after the meal can cause acid reflux in the esophagus, or some violent exercises such as those seeking to address, or then make large meals or eat quickly may cause pressure on the sphincter and a rise into the esophagus. Tight clothes can also exert the same kind of pressure and cause the same effects. Smokers also more likely than others to be bothered by the reflux and heartburn.

Heartburn and alcohol

Alcohol can cause heartburn, it first has a relaxing effect on the esophageal sphincter, which makes this last less vigilant and leaves so acidity go up in the oesophagus. Alcohol also increases the production of gastric juices and makes the contents of the stomach more acidic, the pain can be more accentuated in the case of reflux. Besides, alcohol is an acute irritant that can cause a sensation of heat along the esophagus. If the latter is already damaged, alcohol then causes intense burning and pain can become more acute.

Heartburn and drugs

Certain drugs are also implicated in heartburn, especially anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs can strongly irritate the gastric mucosa and may therefore cause heartburn and sometimes same of ulcers.

There are other causes of heartburn. During pregnancy, excess, either weight or obesity heartburn and acid reflux can be more frequent due to the increase of the pressure on the stomach. In addition, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori can also be a cause of heartburn because it causes gastric inflammation. This list cannot obviously be exhaustive since there are many causes can cause or accentuate the heartburn and the acid backward flow such as allergies to certain foods, the overproduction of gastric acidity or malformations at the level of the stomach.

Category: Causes