I just rounded the 6 1/2 month mark (or 26 weeks if you will) of pregnancy! I’m feeling amazing despite really noticing now just how awkward some things are becoming.  I continue to ride lots but am choosing much flatter routes now.  I can’t believe how slow I am at climbing now and how winded I instantly get.  It’s hard to imagine ever returning to competing when I feel like this :) I know my fitness will return but in the mean time, the bike continues to humble me.  I hope I can pedal for another 4 weeks or so before I retire to my cruiser bike for a much more upright position!  The lakes are warming up fast and after about 5mins of swimming the temperature feels warm.  I have to laugh too. When I’m teaching classes and demonstrating a movement to my athletes, I go anaerobic instantly.  What has happened to my fitness – lol!!!

My one complaint (well, the only one that I will verbalize for now) however is the heartburn that I’ve been having for the past few weeks. I did get it early in my first trimester but managed to deal with it. The burning in my throat is now at another level of irritating me and it seems to be the worst at bedtime.   I also get a really acidic feeling if I eat anytime close to when I exercise.  So for that reason now, my food has to be well planned out so to minimize the heartburn.

Flora thankfully makes a great Ant-Acid product. It’s chewable and tastes good.  This seems to settle my heartburn almost instantly. Not laying down while I’m digesting is also helpful.  I did some research too and found out that yeast contributes to heartburn. Wheat (and hence yeast) has for sure crept back into my diet to some degree during pregnancy.  It has never made me feel good which is why it had been so easy to cut out.  I’ve now cut it out again 100% and WOW, heartburn has not re-appeared.
Co-incidence? I think not.


This past weekend we wrapped up a successful 4 day running camp here in Squamish & Whistler. Thanks to my 2 coaches Munny and JF for doing all the “on trail coaching” while I biked where I could and then taught evening sessions on nutrition, gear etc.  It was great to welcome folks from around BC and Alberta to this years camp and show them our playground.

I’m now focused on trying to keep stress levels down and unwind a bit. My body and the baby are telling me that I have got to stop running around 24/7. It’s time I listen. I hope that today I turned over a new leaf in this department and will start to find a more Zen Jen :)