What Age Is The Right Age To Start Hair Loss Treatment?

confused man hair lossThere really is no right answer with regards to the proper age to begin hair loss treatment for male pattern hair loss, the common genetic condition that accounts for 95% of men who experience hair loss. Because hair loss can begin in boys any time after puberty, and yet some men can maintain a decent head of hair into their 80′s, the right age to begin a hair loss treatment plan really is best decided by a hair loss specialist on a case-by-case basis.

It’s Not Necessarily An Age Thing

We inherit the predisposition to baldness through our family tree, which means that even if both your parents don’t have hair loss, you could still inherit the predisposition to it from further back in your bloodline. Also, those who carry the gene for baldness may express it earlier than they otherwise would have done due to triggers such as chronic stress. Research in this area of baldness is still ongoing, so it’s incredibly hard to predict at what age men will begin to lose their hair, though it’s true that the likelihood of hair loss only grows as the years go by.

The best approach to anticipating hair loss is therefore to keep a close eye on both your hairline (where the hair reaches down to on your forehead) and the overall thickness of your hair, something which may be hard to determine if you wear it in a long style (try clipping hair back for a better view). You could also use a hand mirror to view the back of your head whilst standing in front of your bathroom mirror, in order to check for a thinning crown.

Taking photographs of your hair as you age could also help the first signs of hair loss to be noted. If you have any concerns, even if you’re unsure whether your hair loss has even begun, a free consultation at Belgravia can help ascertain whether or not it’s time to begin hair loss treatment. We also photograph patients at their consultations to create a means to chart progress in minute detail.

What Age Can I Start?

Male patients can only begin to take Propecia, the first proven medication that we offer, after their 18th birthday. Propecia works by blocking DHT, the androgen that causes hair thinning and loss by causing hair follicles atop the scalp to miniaturise and produce wispsy, weak hair, and eventually no hair at all.

However, for those experiencing hair loss under the age of 18, the second proven for hair loss medication minoxidil can in some cases be used from the age of 16 onward, and Propecia can be added to the individual’s treatment plan when they reach 18. Minoxidil works by stimulating the scalp to grow healthy hair once more, and is available in a variety of strengths up to a high strength minoxidil cream. A hair loss specialist can also select other treatment boosters for each patient’s individual plan, which can include various boosters for the minoxidil formulation best suited to you that appear to block DHT when applied locally.

Other treatment boosters can include the nutritional supplement Hair Vitalics and the FDA cleared LaserComb, which can encourage and speed up the rate of hair regrowth. Patients who are able to visit either of our London clinics in person can also enjoy a relaxing clinical treatment therapy which nourishes and cleans the hair and scalp. However, those who cannot make it to London needn’t worry, as all medications and treatment boosters can be posted to you anywhere in the world once an online diagnostic form has been completed.

The Belgravia Centre—————————————————————————————————–

The Belgravia Centre is the leader in hair loss treatment in the UK, with two clinics based in Central London. We offer clinically proven treatments for hair loss, as part of comprehensive treatment programmes offered by our hair loss specialists. Our in-house pharmacies produce high-strength medications for hair loss that contain medically proven ingredients and are available at no other clinic worldwide. Treatment programmes are available by visiting the centres or for home-use, anywhere in the UK or the rest of the world. View our hair loss success stories, which are the largest collection of such success stories in the world and demonstrate the levels of hair regrowth that so many of Belgravia’s patients achieve. You can also phone 0800 077 6666 for our hair loss helpline or to arrange a free consultation.


This entry was posted
on Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 at 3:20 pm and is filed under Hair Loss, Male Hair Loss.
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