Male Pattern Hair Loss in Afro Caribbean Men

afro Caribbean hair loss male pattern baldingMale pattern hair loss occurs due to a inherited genetic predisposition and regardless of race and hair type. Afro Caribbean men may, however, be more likely to experience other forms of hair loss consecutively on account of wearing their hair in tight braided styles such as corn rows. It is possible to treat male pattern baldness alongside other forms of hair loss such as traction alopecia.

Pattern balding occurs when a genetic predisposition to DHT sensitivity is inherited from the family tree. In theory, this means that even if both your parents had great heads of hair into old age, they can still have passed the ‘balding gene’ onto you.

The Genetics of Hair Loss

When DHT sensitivity occurs, hair follicles atop the scalp begin to shrink, and as a result produce thinner, weaker hair, and eventually, no hair at all. It’s vital that hair loss treatment is begun before hair growth ceases completely, as at this point no new hair can be grown medically.

The first step to towards halting hair loss is to block DHT. The daily tablet Propecia can do this, and because DHT is not required by the male body after puberty, blocking it long term presents no problem. Propecia works well for halting thinning hair, but for hair regrowth, particularly when traction alopecia is also an issue, a second medication is also needed.

Like Propecia, minoxidil has been licensed by the MHRA and approved by the FDA as a hair loss medication, however the similarities end there. The exact reason why minoxidil is so effective at regrowing thinning hair is unknown, but it has achieved great results as a hair loss treatment for Afro Caribbean hair.

Effective Combined Treatment

Because it can be applied directly to the thinning area, and varied in dosage up to an extra-strength minoxidil cream, this form of medication allows for extremely targeted hair loss treatment. Minoxidil 12.5% cream + azelaic acid can be rubbed right into the scalp, and is highly effective even for stubborn hair loss from pattern balding or traction alopecia.

You can view before and during treatment photographs of male Belgravia Centre patients with Afro Caribbean hair here, here and here, and there are many other examples throughout our hair loss success story blog posts.

Afro Caribbean hair is more prone to breakage than other hair types due to lack of moisture, and due to its structure it is also fairly delicate. At Belgravia we have developed shampoos and conditioners to help with these issues, and a hair loss specialist is able to combine the ideal hair care products with the above medications to form a bespoke hair loss treatment plan.

A Belgravia Centre treatment plan combines proven medications with tailored hair care products and treatment boosters such as the FDA cleared LaserComb. Patients also have access to regular check-ups to chart progress, and whilst you’re visiting us, you can enjoy clinical treatment therapy, the ideal way to maintain the hair and scalp.

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The Belgravia Centre—————————————————————————————————–

The Belgravia Centre is the leader in hair loss treatment in the UK, with two clinics based in Central London. We offer clinically proven treatments for hair loss, as part of comprehensive treatment programmes offered by our hair loss specialists. Our in-house pharmacies produce high-strength medications for hair loss that contain medically proven ingredients and are available at no other clinic worldwide. Treatment programmes are available by visiting the centres or for home-use, anywhere in the UK or the rest of the world. View our hair loss success stories, which are the largest collection of such success stories in the world and demonstrate the levels of hair regrowth that so many of Belgravia’s patients achieve. You can also phone 0800 077 6666 for our hair loss helpline or to arrange a free consultation.

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on Friday, July 5th, 2013 at 8:40 am and is filed under Hair Loss, Male Hair Loss.
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