Leonardo DiCaprio Turns Into Jack Nicholson, But What … – Hair loss

jack nicholson leonardo dicaprioYou may remember him as the fresh-faced actor in Romeo & Juliet, The Beach and Titanic, but Leonardo DiCaprio seems to be becoming more and more like veteran actor Jack Nicholson as he ages, helped by his facial hair and the at times uncanny physical resemblance to the Chinatown star.

DiCaprio, age 38, is the spitting image of Nicholson in his heyday, but with one crucial difference: Nicholson’s hair loss. Whilst Nicholson appears to have experienced a receding hairline from a relatively young age, DiCpario has managed to maintain a healthy head of hair that has receded only slightly, if at all.

Lucky Leo

So, is DiCaprio just lucky, or is he doing something to ensure that his hairline is the one thing that stops him becoming a complete dead ringer for his The Departed co-star? DiCaprio could have his genetics to thank if he’s naturally kept his hair: whether or not we carry the gene for balding is determined by our family tree. And whilst it was initially thought that you could only inherit the balding gene from your mother’s side, it now seems that you could have your father’s family to thank, too.

However, if DiCaprio has inherited the predisposition to baldness, as he ages it becomes increasingly likely that the hair loss will begin. It’s also possible that hair loss can be triggered by environmental factors such as stress or illness, so if DiCaprio’s feeling the pressure from being one of the best known faces in Hollywood, this could cause hair loss to begin sooner than it otherwise may have done.

Luckily for DiCaprio, though, a medical-based hair loss treatment programme could halt the hair loss once it begins, and can also regrow thinning areas. It’s entirely possible that DiCaprio is already using such a programme, although if he is, he will need to be using at least one medication that has been licensed by the MHRA and approved by the FDA (the UK and US medical regulatory bodies) as a clinically proven hair loss treatment.

 DiCaprio Deals With It

The first such medication, Propecia, works by blocking the androgen that causes male pattern hair loss in the first place: DHT. This hormone causes follicular miniaturisation atop the scalp, causing thin, wispsy hairs to grow in the place of strong, healthy ones. If DiCaprio wishes to prevent an allover thinning of his hair, Propecia is the way to do it.

The second and only other medically backed treatment is minoxidil. This topical liquid or high strength minoxidil cream can be tailored to each individual’s hair loss needs, by varying the dosage and adding certain other ingredients to the formulation which also appear to block DHT when applied locally. Minoxidil is especially good at targeting stubborn areas of thinning such as a receding hairline and as such is highly complementary when used alongside Propecia.

So, should DiCaprio notice that his hairline is starting to become like  Nicholson’s, a hair loss treatment programme that includes the two medications along with a number of hair growth boosters (that ensure hair is maintained to the highest standards possible) would provide the best chance possible of halting hair loss and regrowing hair.

The Belgravia Centre—————————————————————————————————–

The Belgravia Centre is the leader in hair loss treatment in the UK, with two clinics based in Central London. We offer clinically proven treatments for hair loss, as part of comprehensive treatment programmes offered by our hair loss specialists. Our in-house pharmacies produce high-strength medications for hair loss that contain medically proven ingredients and are available at no other clinic worldwide. Treatment programmes are available by visiting the centres or for home-use, anywhere in the UK or the rest of the world. View our hair loss success stories, which are the largest collection of such success stories in the world and demonstrate the levels of hair regrowth that so many of Belgravia’s patients achieve. You can also phone 0800 077 6666 for our hair loss helpline or to arrange a free consultation.

This entry was posted
on Thursday, May 9th, 2013 at 2:59 pm and is filed under Hair Loss, Hair Loss News, Male Hair Loss.
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