Hair Loss and Genetic Disposition | HIS Hair Clinic

15th July 2013 by damien

Hair loss can be caused by numerous conditions. Some can be managed, however other conditions mean the hair will not grow back. Genetic disposition is one such condition.

With further advancements in medications and further research the cause of permanent hair loss can be traced back through family history. Genetic hair loss can start at an early age when the hair starts to thin and the hair recedes from the forehead. In men it is known as male pattern baldness.

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a hormone present in both men and women and is the cause of genetic hair loss. DHT thins the hair follicles until they can no longer hold hair roots. The hair follicles then become permanently damaged and hair no longer grows. For women with genetic hair loss the hair tends to thin all over and not recede. Genetic hair loss in women rarely leads to complete baldness.

There are two products available on the market that can sometimes help to slow down the hair loss process. Finasteride and minoxidil are two treatments that have been clinically tested and proven to help with hair loss particularly if caught in the early stages, however the majority of users will not see such benefits and serious side effects can sometimes occur, particularly in the case of finasteride.

Minoxidil can treat both men and women with genetic hair loss problems. It helps to increase the cutaneous blood flow to the scalp. Applied twice a day it can be expensive and does take time to show results. Finasteride can only help men with genetic hair loss problems known as male pattern baldness. It is taken orally once a day and will take time for any results to be seen, if they do indeed materialise.

Unfortunately for those with genetic hair loss they also have to contend with other factors such as the environment that can take its toll on the hair. Medication, illness and stress can also pay a key role in hair loss. With genetic hair loss already causing hair to become thinner it is more prone to outside factors. Good hair care can help to slow the process. There are many products on the market stating they can do just that. This is not always the case. Care should be taken before using such products and if in doubt the advice of a professional should be sought.

Or those who have permanent hair loss it can cause embarrassment and lack of confidence. With so much emphasis on styles and fashion these days for some it is important to have a head of hair. People are wanting to look younger for longer and loss of hair can have the opposite effect. Hair transplants are available and are a permanent solution however it is also a highly invasive solution. Hair is taken from the back of the head and transplanted into the balding patches. This surgery will cut into the scalp, can leave scarring and can be painful. The full effect of the surgery can take up to 12 months to be seen but with modern advancements, in procedures can be successful.

More and more celebrities are using hair transplants to recover their youthful looks and more are advertising the fact that they have had a transplant. This makes it easier for the ‘normal’ person to take on this procedure as it is seen to be acceptable. Just as facial surgery was once frowned upon today it is accepted as the ‘norm’. For those with genetic hair loss is can be a way forward for them. Many with hair loss problems can become depressed and withdrawn and as hair loss can also be caused by stress and anxiety it makes the problem worse.

Another alternative for baldness is the use of a wig. Today’s wigs are much more lifelike than they used to be. They can be made of real hair, are light and pliable. The wigs can be worn whenever and wherever. Sleeping and bathing in them is normal and can give the wearer the confidence they need to carry on with their life.

In the 21st century, more and more people are choosing scalp micropigmentation as a more suitable alternative in comparison to traditional hair restoration surgery and hair systems. To see the results achievable using SMP, please see our video library.

For more information please see the following links:


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