How To Tell The Difference Between Genital Warts And Skin Tags

    The abnormal cells could be from you getting a strain of genital warts or HPV (a cancerous strain in fact), If it feels like a cut, i can only thing of herpes. HPV cause bumps to show up, but they don’t feel like cuts, they feel more like a whole bunch of bumps, coupled together, if explained, think of cauliflower. while herpes are bump(s) that burst open.

    I suggest, that since now your having symptoms (be thankful you are, more then half the people who have herpes don’t have any symptoms and are spreading it around with out knowing) to go to your doctor and have them swab the cut/bump for herpes type one and type two. If if come out positive (theirs a chance it’s something else and won’t come positive for either types) for type one, if you have been having oral sex, then this is just how you got it. Type one is the common cause of cold sores, but can become an std when someone receives oral sex form someone infected. Most of the time, this happens when the person giving oral, has no symptoms of a cold sores but have the virus active on the skin, this is called viral shedding. If you come out positive for type two, their is a chance you could have caught this from your boy friend and have him get tested via blood test, because this type prefers the genital region and is rare to have to cause cold sores.

    As for the blood test, if you both want to know your herpes status, make sure that the test is IGG and not IGM as this test can’t tell the difference between both types. If you come put positive for type one, assume you have the cold sore virus (this means you don’t have it genitally, but you can only assume until you get your swab results) and if you come out positive for type two, then you can assume you have genital herpes.

    BTW, Herpes isn’t included in regular std testing, so don’t assume your in the clear just because you came out negative for everything else. As for the pain during sex. it could be that your irritating the cut through sex or it could mean you have some sort of vaginal infection. Also, those small bumps could be anything, I think you should be worried about the cut. These small bumps could appear because your not washing your genital properly thus causing ti to sweat more. This is what my doctor told me when I came to her worried. (I am still a virgin).

    Hope I helped and good luck!