What Facial Warts Look Like | Cure Warts, Moles & Skin Tags

Pollution also makes our skin dull and dry. Improper diet, skin care, exercise, excessive smoking, skin disorders, acne and genetics are too responsible for sagging and wrinkled skin.

Some people accept signs of ageing as way of life while some seek advice of dermatologists or cosmetic surgeons to find out different ways to restore back the youthful appearance of their faces. These treatments are known as Facial Rejuvenation treatments.

Some of the Facial Rejuvenation treatments involve surgery like dermabrasion and facelifts, while some new methods have emerged which do not require incisions or anesthesia. These types of minimally invasive procedures are becoming more and more common now days.

Facial Rejuvenation treatments do not stop your face from ageing but it reduces signs of ageing and wrinkles. Usually people go in for these types of treatments as they want to regain a more youthful look and smoother skin or for enhancing their appearance and for boosting their self confidence. The benefit of the treatment varies on the type of treatment the person has used.

The different types of Facial Rejuvenation treatment are given below:


This treatment removes excessive skin and fat from the face. It is a surgical procedure which makes your skin look tighter and without any wrinkles.


Dermabrasion helps in smoothing scars, fine lines and wrinkles. It is a surgical procedure which scrapes off the top layer of the facial skin.

Chemical Peel:

In this treatment some chemicals are applied to the facial skin by which the age spots disappear and the tissues spear less transparent.

Fat Injections:

This treatment helps in giving a more youthful look to your face. The fat is harvested from the patients own body and is thereby used for the treatment.

Botox Injections:

This treatment helps in reducing wrinkles. Botulinum Toxin injection is injected which prevents contraction of muscles which usually forms wrinkles.

Collagen Injections:

In this treatment the injected cosmetic derived from purified bovine collagen, replaces lost collagen which is found in the skin.


This treatment stimulates the formation of new collagens and leaves you with tighter and smoother skin.

Photo Rejuvenation:

This treatment helps in reducing redness and wrinkles thereby leaving your skin that looks and feels smoother.

Laser Skin Resurfacing:

In this treatment laser lights are used. With short bursts of these laser lights the age spots are gently removed from the facial skin.

So, you can select from any of the above treatments and go and get a new youthful look for your face.

Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a nice way to tell my girlfriend to remove her facial wart?
    I already brought it up once and she seemed to not care too much about removing it. She is beautiful, but that wart next to her nose haunts me. Am I the only one that is like this? I feel so shallow. Regardless, I love her. Just would be nice to look at her without seeing that thing. What is a nice way to tell her to remove it without sounding so shallow?

    • ANSWER:
      If she isn’t uncomfortable with it, you shouldn’t be either. If she wants to look into doing something about it, you should be kind and supportive, but how interested are you in having something cut out of your face?

    How could I get rid of a childs facial warts?
    The warts are small and on her chin and by her eyebrows and nose. The look very tiny but alot of them.

    • ANSWER:
      Because they are on her face I’d be very carefull about using any chemicals. Warts while they may appear small can go very deep in the skin and if not completely destroyed will come back. The ones around the eyebrow will be the most difficult, but try bandaids. Warts need light and air to survive so if you get ones that seal around the skin completely it will help to kill it. Duck tape is something I’ve been told can work too, but that might look weird on her face. 3M makes a great waterproof bandages and they come in designs that kids like.

    How to remove small facial moles naturally?
    I have like 5-6 small facial moles on my cheeks, people like them and call them beauty marks, but I don’t. I would rather have a mole though than scarring, so please, do you know any natural things I can do at home to either lighten or remove them? I heard honey and pineapple juice, do you know if it works? Or what works? Thanks so much. They aren’t raised and they are dark brown and they are about the size of a grain of rice or smaller. I’m 14 btw.

    • ANSWER:
      I was doing very vigorous face massaging with EVOO to heal very dry peeling skin and to get rid of a mass of pimples, blackheads and white heads. I also had a prominent mole and a mass of freckles. I found it most effective/faster working when I had built up to a daily massage for about 20 or 30 min daily (in two sessions). It takes a few days to build up to that as skin has to first adjust.
      The pimples, black and whiteheads were the first to go and unexpectedly, suddenly the freckles and the large prominent mole also were gone. By that time I had a totally smooth, blemish free and also radiant and glowing skin. I kept up a weekly massaging for a few minutes and it stayed that way.

      When starting treatment I had stopped use of ALL skin harming toxic products. Cleansers, face washes, moisturizers and countless other skin care and so called skin medicating products and cosmetic and make up products have skin poisoning and health threatening ingredients. See “Campaign For Safe Cosmetics” They also cause premature aging & wrinkles etc Your skin will only stay totally spot and blemish free and young looking if you also stop using them. I have given treatments on Answers that have removed blemishes warts and scars on body. Search in ”What are you looking for? Search Y! Answers” with ”Mukunda M remove body scars marks blemishes warts and discolorations”
      P.S. EVOO or any pure natural oil will work well, (Natural oils are an essential ingredient in many skincare products as they are noncomedogenic and do not block or enlarge pores or cause breakouts)
      I wish you great success with the treatment.
      Mukunda M

    How to treat facial wart on nose?
    i have a wart on nose, it is skin coloured and soft. but it looks like a pimple. how to cure it? in frrm india and in college.

    • ANSWER:
      I think warts have spreading tendency especially on facial area.
      There are very good curative medicines available in Homeopathy.
      Meet a qualified or experienced Homoeo physician and get the treatment.

    How you draw someone to look evil?
    I’ve done a drawing of an old babushka-like woman who is supposed to be an evil witch. But she just kind of looks like a nice old lady.

    What can I do to make her look more evil? It is for a fairy tale illustration.
    Apart from downward slanting eyebrows etc..

    • ANSWER:
      Hooked nose, facial abnormalities (gross disproportions of the face), grizzled hair, dark eyes, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, warts, non-human reptilian like characteristics.
      Take a look at this picture:


what facial warts look like