Removal Of Skin Tags And Moles | Cure Warts, Moles & Skin Tags

There are quite a few methods and procedures for the removal of unwanted hair on the skin. With the Dermology Hair Removal Cream women and men can easily get rid of any excess hair on their skin without any unfavorable reactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

    I would like to know how to remove skin tags naturally?
    Apparently I have some skin tags that seemed to just pop up. This one skin tag is on my back and I would love to find some way of removing skin tags naturally. I do not mind purchasing a product as long as it is safe, organic and has a track record of success in skin tag removal.

    • ANSWER:
      I actually had some skin tags on my back and sides a few months back. I tried everything, even most of the skin tag home remedies listed above. The method of using floss to cut the circulation off to the tag didnt work. And snipping it with scissors didnt do much as it just came back. I actually just thought I was destined to live with skin tags forever.

      One day while giving it one last go searching online for a natural skin tag cure I came across this ebook, ‘No More Moles, warts, or Skin Tags’, that had numerous natural cures for skin tags for every different type of skin. It explained how different substances work better on different skin types and so on. I was able to match my skin type to a few targeted solutions and using many household ingredients it helped me get rid of numerous skin tags and even a plantar wart I had under my heel. And, I was able to do it from home in just 2 weeks!

    What is the most effective home remedy for removal moles?
    I have few cosmetic moles on my arms and legs from being out of the sun. Laser treatments is too costly. What is the most effective and short term way to do it? Please help. Thank you.

    • ANSWER:
      Tea Tree Oil ..
      I’ve used it on skin tags, just put some on a band-aid and leave it on over night, it takes about a week, but it works.

    What is the best method professional method to get rid of skin tags on the face?
    I have several black moles on the face that are flush. Is it better to have the surgically or laser removed. Anybody have any experience? Thanks.

    • ANSWER:
      I had a few tags removed by my family doctor. He had the laser to do it right. No scars or evidence that they were even there. If your regular doctor can’t do it, he can refer you to someone who can. I don’t recommend a clinic for facial tag removal.

    Do nonsurgical mole removal treatments such as Dermatend really work?
    There are products that claim to remove moles using a liquid application. Some of these contain bloodroot. I don’t know what that is. Is this a gimmick

    • ANSWER:
      Dermatend has worked for me, on 6 moles to be exact. I too thought it was a joke, but I finally did buy after realizing there is a 100% guarantee.

      Before trying Dermatend there was another at home mole removal product I used, but this one contained acid in it’s formula and ended up leaving a scar. Not only that I had a burning sensation from the acid.

      Dermatend uses bloodroot which only destroys unhealthy tissues (Moles, Warts & Skin Tags).
      I have even removed a mole on my face, without any pain or scarring with Dermatend.

      I bought Dermatend from which is a web store powered by, this just made me feel even more secure when making my purchase.

    Why is the hair grown through moles faster and more bristly?
    We all have moles, and we all have hair (well, most of us) and sooner or later the hair is inevitably going to peirce through the mole and grow up in the middle of it. WHY is it that the single strand of hair that does grow through the mole faster and more bristly than the hair around it?

    I would post a picture, but it would only be a mole with hair, and I’m sure you all know what I mean without the graphical aid.


    • ANSWER:
      According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the most common types of moles are skin tags, raised moles and flat moles. Benign moles are usually circular or oval and not very large, though some can be larger than the size of a typical pencil eraser. Some moles typically produce dark, coarse hair. Common mole hair removal procedures include plucking, cosmetic waxing, electrolysis, threading and cauterization.

      further info at:

removal of skin tags and moles